Registrul National al Produselor Biocide

Denumirea comerciala Nr. CRT Nr. Aviz Producator Substanta Activa Concentratie CE CAS TP
108 ALCOOL SANITAR 2 Nr. 3617BIO/01-02/12.24 RYDELKO - Polonia Ethanol 70 200-578-6 64-17-5 TP2
WINNY 2 Nr. 3617BIO/01-02/12.24 RYDELKO - Polonia Ethanol 70 200-578-6 64-17-5 TP2
ARO ALCOOL SANITAR 2 Nr. 3617BIO/01-02/12.24 RYDELKO - Polonia Ethanol 70 200-578-6 64-17-5 TP2
MARA 2 Nr. 3617BIO/01-02/12.24 RYDELKO - Polonia Ethanol 70 200-578-6 64-17-5 TP2
IZA ALCOOL SANITAR 2 Nr. 3617BIO/01-02/12.24 RYDELKO - Polonia Ethanol 70 200-578-6 64-17-5 TP2
365 2 Nr. 3617BIO/01-02/12.24 RYDELKO - Polonia Ethanol 70 200-578-6 64-17-5 TP2
PACO``S 2 Nr. 3617BIO/01-02/12.24 RYDELKO - Polonia Ethanol 70 200-578-6 64-17-5 TP2
LUNA 2 Nr. 3617BIO/01-02/12.24 RYDELKO - Polonia Ethanol 70 200-578-6 64-17-5 TP2
TOUCH 2 Nr. 3617BIO/01-02/12.24 RYDELKO - Polonia Ethanol 70 200-578-6 64-17-5 TP2
99 S 3 Nr. 3253BIO/02/07.20 99 Technologies SA Hydrogen peroxide 6,6 231-765-0 7722-84-1 TP2
ACTICHLOR PLUS 4 Nr. 3229BIO/02/12.24 Ecolab Deutschland GmbH - Germania Triclosen sodic 42,50 220-767-7 2893-78-9 TP2
ACTICIDE C&D 01 5 Nr. 3389BIO/02/12.24 THOR SPECIALTIES S.R.L - Italia Clorură de didecildimetilamoniu (DDAC) 4,5 230-525-2 7173-51-5 TP2
ACTICIDE C&D 02 6 Nr. 3390BIO/02/12.24 THOR SPECIALTIES S.R.L - Italia Clorură de didecildimetilamoniu (DDAC) 2,47 230-525-2 7173-51-5 TP2
ACTICIDE C&D 02 rtu 7 Nr. 3391BIO/02/12.24 THOR SPECIALTIES S.R.L - Italia Clorură de didecildimetilamoniu (DDAC) 0,30 230-525-2 7173-51-5 TP2
ACTICIDE C&D 04 8 Nr. 3392BIO/02/12.24 THOR SPECIALTIES S.R.L - Italia Clorură de alchil (C12-16) dimetilbenzil amoniu [ADBAC/BKC (C12-C16)] 10 270-325-2 68424-85-1 TP2
ACTICIDE C&D 05 9 Nr. 3448BIO/02/12.24 THOR SPECIALTIES S.R.L - Italia Clorură de alchil (C12-16) dimetilbenzil amoniu [ADBAC/BKC (C12-C16)] 2,47 270-325-2 68424-85-1 TP2
ACTICIDE C&D 06 10 Nr. 3452BIO/02/12.24 THOR SPECIALTIES S.R.L - Italia Clorură de alchil (C12-16) dimetilbenzil amoniu [ADBAC/BKC (C12-C16)] , Clorura de didecildimetilamoniu (DDAC) 5, 5 270-325-2, 230-252-2 68424-85-1, 7173-51-5 TP2
ACTIVATOR PENTRU OXIGEN ACTIV GRANULAT (ACTIVATOR PENTRU OXIGEN ACTIV GRANULAT SUMMER FUN; ACTIVATOR PENTRU OXIGEN ACTIV PLANET POOL) 11 Nr. 1005BIO/02/12.24 Chemoform GmbH - Germania Polymer of N-Methylmethanamine (EINECS 204-697-4 with (chloromethyl)-oxirane (EINECS 203-439-8)/ Polymeric quaternary ammonium chloride 14 Polymer 25988-97-0 TP2
ACTOANID FLACHE 12 Nr. 4711BIO/02/12.24 ACTO GmbH, Buchmerstrabe 11 - Germania Monoclorhidrat de polimer de N,N-1,6-hexandiilbis[N′-cianoguanidină] (Einecs 240-032-4) si hexametilendiamină (Einecs 204-679-6)/Polihexametilen biguanidă (monomer: monoclorhidrat de 1,5-bis(trimetilen)-guanilguanidiniu) , Clorură de didecildimetilamoniu 2,5 g , 8 g Polymer, 230-525-2 27083-27-8, 32289-58-0, 7173-51-5 TP2
ACTOSEPT AF 13 Nr. 4710BIO/02/12.24 ACTO GmbH, Buchmerstrabe 11 - Germania Etanol, Propan-2-ol, Monoclorhidrat de polimer de N,N‴-1,6-hexandiilbis[N′-cianoguanidină] (EINECS 240-032-4) și hexametilendiamină (EINECS 204-679-6)/ Polihexametilen biguanidă (monomer: 1,5- bis(trimetilen)-guanilguanidiniu monoclorhidrat) (PHMB) FR 50, 10, 0,05 200-578-6, 200-661-7, Polymer 64-17-5, 67-63-0, 27083-27-8, 32289-58-0 TP2
AERIA ANTIBACTERII - vopsea lavabila cu efect antibacterian 14 Nr. 2935BIO/02/12.24 S.C. Adeplast S.A - Romania 1,2-benzisotiazolin-3-ona 0,05 220-120-9 2634-33-5 TP2
AERODESIN 2000 15 Nr. 1254BIO/02/12.24 Lysoformin Dr. Hans Rosemann GmbH - Germania Propan-1-ol, Glutaral, Ethanol 32,5, 0,1, 18 200-746-9, 203-856-5, 200-578-6 71-23-8, 111-30-8, 64-17-5 TP2
AGRIGERM 1510 16 Nr. 3761BIO/02/12.24 Laboratoires Ceetal - Franta Clorură de alchil (C12-16) dimetilbenzil amoniu [ADBAC/BKC (C12-C16)] , Glutaral (Glutaraldehidă) , Clorură de didecildimetilamoniu(DDAC) 8%, 15%, 2% 270-325-2, 203-856-5, 230-525-2 68424-85-1, 111-30-8, 7173-51-5 TP2
AIRCO-CLEAN ULTRASONIC FOR CARS 17 Nr. 3085BIO/02/12.24 Wynn’s Belgium bvba - Belgia Compusi cuaternari de amoniu, benzil-C12-16-alchildimetil, cloruri 9,9 g/l, (0,99%)  270-325-2 68424-85-1 TP2
AIROCIDE PAAD 18 Nr. 4215BIO/02/09.20 Rigest Trading (Ireland) limited-Mullingar Heifer Beef - Ireland Acid peracetic generat in situ, Peroxid de hidrogen, Acid acetic 5% 201-186-8, 231-765-0, 200-580-7 79-21-0, 7722-84-1, 64-19-7 TP2
AIRSPEXX 19 Nr. 2934BIO/02/09.20 Ecolab Deustschland GMBH - Germania Peroxid de hydrogen, Acid peracetic 1,70, 0,01 231-765-0, 201-186-8 7722-84-1, 79-21-0 TP2
AJAX PURE HOME SAGE & APPLE BLOSSOM 20 Nr. 4678BIO/02/04.20 Colgate – Palmolive (Hellas) SAIC - Grecia L-(+)-lactic acid 1,3 g / 100 g 201-196-2 79-33-4 TP2
AJAX PURE HOME SAGE & ELDERFLOWER 21 Nr. 4679BIO/02/04.20 Colgate – Palmolive (Hellas) SAIC - Grecia L-(+)-lactic acid 1,3 g / 100 g 201-196-2 79-33-4 TP2
AJAX PURE HOME SPRAY SAGE & APPLE BLOSSOM 22 Nr. 4716BIO/02/04.20 Colgate – Palmolive (Hellas) SAIC - Grecia L(+) lactic acid 3,2 % 201-196-2 79-33-4 TP2
AJAX PURE HOME SPRAY SAGE & ELDERFLOWER 23 Nr. 4717BIO/02/04.20 Colgate – Palmolive (Hellas) SAIC - Grecia L(+) lactic acid 3,2 % 201-196-2 79-33-4 TP2
AJAX WC POWER 24 Nr. 4680BIO/02/04.20 Colgate – Palmolive (Hellas) SAIC - Grecia L-(+)-lactic acid 3,2 g / 100 g 201-196-2 79-33-4 TP2
ALBORAL 10 25 Nr. 4859BIO/02/12.24 Productos QP S.A. - Spania Simclosen 90 % 201-782-8 87-90-1 TP2
ALBORAL PS PASTILE 20 G CLOR CU DIZOLVARE RAPIDA 26 Nr. 3198BIO/02/12.24 Productos QP S.A. - Spania Simclosen/1,3,5-Trichloro-1,3,5-triazinane-2,4,6-trione Acid tricloroizocianuric 56,3 201-782-9 87-90-1 TP2
ALBORAL PS TABLETE 200 G - CLOR CU DIZOLVARE LENTA 27 Nr. 3199BIO/02/12.24 PRODOCTOS QP S.A - CTRA LOGRONO - Spania Simclosen/ 1,3,5-Trichloro-1,3,5-triazinane-2,4,6-trione Acid tricloroizocianuric 98 201-782-9 87-90-1 TP2
ALCOOL MEDICINAL 70% - LUNA (ALTE DENUMIRI COMERCIALE: ALCOOL SANITAR70% - LUNA) 28 Nr. 3584BIO/01-02/12.24 S.C.Paidos S.R.L - Romania Ethanol 0.7 g/g 200-578-6 64-17-5 TP2
ALCOOL SANITAR 70% RIANA 29 Nr. 2534BIO/02/12.24 SC PRODALCOMAT SRL - Romania Ethanol 70 200-578-6 64-17-5 TP2
ALCOOL SANITAR CEAHLAU 30 Nr. 1967BIO/02/12.24 SC Total Mihoc Prod SRL - Romania Ethanol 70 200-578-6 64-17-5 TP2
ALCOOL SANITAR FRECTIE (ALTE DENUMIRI COMERCIALE: ALCOOL SANITAR SALIX) 31 Nr. 3343BIO/01-02/12.24 S.C. Salix S.R.L - Romania Ethanol 70 200-578-6 64-17-5 TP2
ALCOOL SANITAR VORONA 33 Nr. 154BIO/01-02/12.24 SC Prodalcom SA - Romania Ethanol 70 200-578-6 64-17-5 TP2
ALGASTOP 34 Nr. 3240BIO/02/12.24 Aqualing Kft H-1117 - Ungaria Benzalkonium chloride 10 270-325-2 68424-85-1 TP2
ALGASTOP EXTRA 35 Nr. 3243BIO/02/12.24 Aqualing Kft H-1117 - Ungaria Benzalkonium chloride 20 270-325-2 68424-85-1 TP2
ALGASTOP SPA 36 Nr. 4059BIO/02/12.24 Diasa Industrial S.A. - Spania Poli(2-hidroxipropildimetilamoniu,clorura) 11% 607-843-9 25988-97-0 TP2
ALGASTOP SUPER 37 Nr. 3244BIO/02/12.24 Aqualing Kft H-1117 - Ungaria Polymer of N-Methylmethanamine (EINECS 204-697-4 with (chloromethyl)-oxirane (EINECS 203-439-8)/ Polymeric quaternary ammonium chloride 10 Polymer 25988-97-0 TP2
ALGASTOP SUPER EXTRA 38 Nr. 3245BIO/02/12.24 Aqualing Kft H-1117 - Ungaria Polymer of N-Methylmethanamine (EINECS 204-697-4 with (chloromethyl)-oxirane (EINECS 203-439-8)/ Polymeric quaternary ammonium chloride 34 Polymer 25988-97-0 TP2
ALGEN EX 39 Nr. 970BIO/02/12.24 Chemoform GmbH - Germania Quaternary ammonium compounds, benzyl-C12-16-alkyl dimethyl, chlorides 10 270-325-2 68424-85-1 TP2
ALGENEX LICHID 40 Nr. 3383BIO/02/12.24 S.C.GEHO AQUA INDUSTRIES S.R.L. - Romania Polimer de N-metilmetanamină (EINECS 204-697-4 cu (clorometil)oxiran (EINECS 203-439-8)/Clorură de amoniu cuaternar polimerică (Polimer PQ) 15 Polymer 25988-97-0 TP2
ALGENIX 41 Nr. 4451BIO/02/12.24 Trigon Chemie GmbH - Germania Polimer de N-metilmetanamină cu (clorometil) -oxiran 5 % 687-444-4 25988-97-0 TP2
ALGIBLUE (HTH KONTRAL) 42 Nr. 4520BIO/02/12.24 Arch Water Products France S.A.S. Lonza Specialty Ingredients - Franţa Compuşi de amoniu cuaternar, benzil-C12-C18-alchildimetil,cloruri 7,6 % 269-919-4 68391-01-5 TP2
ALGICID CONCENTRAT 43 Nr. 4517BIO/02/12.24 Inquide S.A. - Spania Compuşi de amoniu cuaternar, benzil-C12-C16-alchildimetil,cloruri 8% 270-325-2 68424-85-1 TP2
ALGICID CU PURIFICATOR 44 Nr. 2940BIO/02/12.24 Inquide S.A. - Spania Quaternary ammonium compounds, benzyl-C12-16-alkyl dimethyl, chlorides , Sulfat de cupru pentahidrat 4, 1,5 270-325-2, 231-847-6 68424-85-1, 7758-99-8 TP2
ALGICID LICHID 45 Nr. 4760BIO/02/12.24 Productos QP S.A. - Spania Compusi de ion cuaternar de amoniu, alchil-C12-16-dimetil benzil, cloride 10 % 270-325-2 68424-85-1 TP2
ALGICID PENTRU IARNA 46 Nr. 995BIO/02/12.24 Chemoform GmbH - Germania Quaternary ammonium compounds, benzyl-C12-16-alkyl dimethyl, chlorides 20 270-325-2 68424-85-1 TP2
ALGICID SPECIAL (ALGICID SPECIAL SUMMER FUN; ALGICID SPECIAL PLANET POOL) 47 Nr. 884BIO/02/12.24 Chemoform GmbH - Germania Polymer of N-Methylmethanamine (EINECS 204-697-4 with (chloromethyl)-oxirane (EINECS 203-439-8)/ Polymeric quaternary ammonium chloride 14 Polymer 25988-97-0 TP2
ALGICID STANDARD (ALGICID STANDARD SUMMER FUN; ALGICID STANDARD PLANET POOL) 48 Nr. 1378BIO/02/12.24 Chemoform GmbH - Germania Quaternary ammonium compounds, benzyl-C12-16-alkyl dimethyl, chlorides 10 270-325-2 68424-85-1 TP2
ALGIOX 49 Nr. 4058BIO/02/12.24 Diasa Industrial S.A. - Spania Poli(2-hidroxipropildimetilamoniu, clorura), Sulfat de cupru 3%, 1,5% 607-843-9, 231-847-6 25988-97-0, 7758-99-8 TP2
ALGO CLEAN 50 Nr. 4045BIO/02/12.24 SC G&M 2000 SRL - Romania Didecyldimethylammonium chloride , Quaternary ammonium compounds, benzyl-C12-16-alkyldimethyl, chlorides 2,7% , 17% 230-525-2, 270-325-2 7173-51-5, 68424-85-1 TP2
ALGO CLEAN PERFORMANCE 51 Nr. 4494BIO/02/12.24 ECOTECH CHEMICALS S.R.L - Romania Compuşi de amoniu cuaternar, benzil-C12-C16-alchildimetil,cloruri , Didecildimetilamoniu, cloruri 8 %, 5% 270-325-2, 230-252-2 68424-85-1, 7173-51-5 TP2
ALGOSOL + 52 Nr. 4561BIO/02/12.24 Söll GmbH, Fuhrmannstr. 6, D-95030 Hof - Germania Sulfat de cupru pentahidrat, Monolinuron 5,5 g/l, 0,1 g/l 231-847-6, 217-129-5 7758-99-8, 1746-81-2 TP2
ALGOSOL FORTE+ 53 Nr. 4562BIO/02/12.24 Söll GmbH, Fuhrmannstr. 6, D-95030 Hof - Germania Sulfat de cupru pentahidrat, Monolinuron 9,5 g/l, 0,1 g/l 231-847-6, 217-129-5 7758-99-8, 1746-81-2 TP2
ALPHA GUARD 54 Nr. 1008BIO/02/12.24 Laboratorium Dr. Deepe - Germania Didecyldimethylammonium chloride, Monohydro chloride of polymer of N,N‴-1,6-hexanediyl bis[N′-cyanoguanidine](EINECS 240-032-4) and hexamethylene diamine (EINECS 204-679-6)/ Polyhexamethylene biguanide (monomer: 1,5-bis(trime thylen)-guanyl guanidinium monohydro chloride) 8, 2,5 230-525-2, Polymer 7173-51-5, 27083-27-8, 32289-58-0 TP2
ANIOS OXY FLOOR 56 Nr. 2250BIO/02/12.24 Laboratoires Anios - Franta Peracetic acid, Quaternary ammonium compounds,benzyl-C12-14-alkyldimethyl, chlorides 750 ppm, 0,012 201-186-8, 287-089-1 79-21-0, 85409-22-9 TP2
ANIOSPRAY 29 57 Nr. 102BIO/02/12.24 Laboratoires Anios - Franta Ethanol, Didecyldimethylammonium chloride, Monohydro chloride of polymer of N,N```-1,6-hexanediylbis[N′-cyanoguanidine] (EINECS 240-032-4) and hexamethylenediamine (EINECS 204-679-6) /Polyhexamethylene biguanide (monomer: 1,5-bis (trimethylen)-guanylguanidinium monohydrochloride) 22,56, 0,053, 0,064 200-578-6, 230-525-2, Polymer 64-17-5, 7173-51-5, 27083-27-8, 32289-58-0 TP2
ANTI ALGE (ALGENEX) 58 Nr. 3305BIO/02/12.24 Solutii Piscina SRL - Romania Polymer of N-Methylmethanamine (EINECS 204-697 -4 with (chloro methyl)oxirane (EINECS 203-439-8)/ Polymeric quaternary ammonium chloride 14 Polymer 25988-97-0 TP2
ANTIALG XTRA 3 ACTIONS 59 Nr. 2942BIO/02/12.24 Manufacturas Gre, S.A. - Spania Poli(2-hidroxiclorura de propil dimetil amoniu) 11,3 Polymer 25988-97-0 TP2
ANTIALGAS 60 Nr. 2943BIO/02/12.24 Manufacturas Gre, S.A. - Spania Compusi cuaternari de amoniu, benzyl-C1216-alchildimetil, cloruri 4 270-325-2 68424-85-1 TP2
ANTI-ALGE LICHID 61 Nr. 4418BIO/02/12.24 SC Chemical Company SA - Romania Clorura de alchil C12-C16 – dimetil benzyl amoniu , 2 - propanol 11% , 2,5% 270-325-2, 200-661-7 68424-85-1, 67-63-0 TP2
ANTIBACTER 62 Nr. 3424BIO/02-04/12.24 Firma S.R.L. - Italia Clorură de didecildimetilamoniu 0,35% 230-525-2 7173-51-5 TP2
APESIN AP3 63 Nr. 1573BIO/02/12.24 Werner & Mertz Professional Vertriebs GmbH - Austria Didecyldimethylammonium chloride 5,25 230-525-2 7173-51-5 TP2
APESIN COMBI DR 64 Nr. 1575BIO/02/12.24 Werner & Mertz Professional Vertriebs GmbH - Austria N-(3-aminopropyl)-N-dodecylpropane-1,3-diamine 7,5 219-145-8 2372-82-9 TP2
AQUABLANC A 65 Nr. 885BIO/02/12.24 Chemoform GmbH - Germania Polymer of N-Methylmethanamine (EINECS 204-697-4 with (chloromethyl)-oxirane (EINECS 203-439-8)/ Polymeric quaternary ammonium chloride 28 Polymer 25988-97-0 TP2
AQUABLANC O2 - GRANULAT 66 Nr. 1381BIO/02/12.24 Chemoform GmbH - Germania Pentapotassium bis(peroxymonosulphate) bis(sulphate) 100 274-778-7 70693-62-8 TP2
AQUALUX B 67 Nr. 3246BIO/02/12.24 Aqualing Kft H-1117 - Ungaria Polymer of N-Methylmethanamine (EINECS 204-697-4 with (chloromethyl)-oxirane (EINECS 203-439-8)/ Polymeric quaternary ammonium chloride 20 Polymer 25988-97-0 TP2
AQUAMULTI 68 Nr. 3785BIO/02/12.24 Aqualing Kft H-1117 - Ungaria Simclosen, Nota: Produsul contine sulfat de cupru 2,5% si clor activ eliberat 90% 97,5-98% , (976-980 g/kg) 201-782-8 87-90-1 TP2
AQUANOMIC SAFE TEC OXY-DES 69 Nr. 4357BIO/02/12.24 Ecolab Deutschland GmbH - Germania Acid peracetic , Acid peroctanoic 5,0, 1,5 201-186-8 79-21-0, 33734-57-5 TP2
AQUOXIL 70 Nr. 2189BIO/02/09.20 E’Cosi SRL - Italia Peroxid de hidrogen , Acid peracetic 11%, 5% 231-765-0 201-186-8 TP2
ARCANA® ACID COMBI 71 Nr. 1808BIO/02-04/12.24 Schulke & Mayr GmbH - Germania Didecyldimethylammonium chloride 15,40 230-525-2 7173-51-5 TP2
ARCANA® ACRYL 72 Nr. 1777BIO/02-04/12.24 Schulke & Mayr GmbH - Germania Quaternary ammonium compounds, benzyl-C12-16-alkyldimethyl, chlorides , Didecyldimethylammonium chloride, Quaternary ammonium compounds, C12-14-alkyl[(ethylphenyl)methyl]dimethyl, chlorides 0,26, 0,26, 0,26 270-325-2, 230-525-2, 287-090-7 68424-85-1, 7173-51-5, 85409-23-0 TP2
ARCANA® ACRYL WIPES 73 Nr. 1710BIO/02-04/12.24 Schulke & Mayr GmbH - Germania Quaternary ammonium compounds, benzyl-C12-16-alkyldimethyl, chlorides , Didecyldimethylammonium chloride, Quaternary ammonium compounds, C12-14-alkyl [(ethylphenyl)methyl]dimethyl, chlorides 0,26 , 0,26, 0,26 270-325-2, 230-525-2, 287-090-7 68424-85-1, 7173-51-5, 85409-23-0 TP2
ARCANA® ALCA COMBI 74 Nr. 1775BIO/02-04/12.24 Schulke & Mayr GmbH - Germania Quaternary ammonium compounds, benzyl-C12-16-alkyldimethyl, chlorides, 2-Phenoxyethanol , Amines, n-C10-16-alkyltrimethylenedi-, reaction products with chloroacetic acid 22 , 17, 0,90 270-325-2, 204-589-7, Amestec 68424-85-1, 122-99-6, 139734-65-9 TP2
ARCANA® RAPID 75 Nr. 1773BIO/02-04/12.24 Schulke & Mayr GmbH - Germania Ethanol , Propan-1-ol 25 , 35 200-578-6, 200-746-9 64-17-5, 71-23-8 TP2
ARCANA® SAN 76 Nr. 1809BIO/02-04/12.24 Schulke & Mayr GmbH - Germania Quaternary ammonium compounds, benzyl-C12-16-alkyldimethyl, chlorides , Didecyldimethylammonium chloride 9,20 , 0,80 270-325-2, 230-525-2 68424-85-1, 7173-51-5 TP2
ARENAS®-OXYDES 77 Nr. 2997BIO/02/09.20 Johannes Kiehl KG - Germania Apa oxigenata , Acid peracetic 25 , 5 231-765-0, 201-186-8 7722-84-1, 79-21-0 TP2
ARIASEPT 78 Nr. 456BIO/02-03/12.24 SC Fiterman Pharma SRL - Romania Formaldehyde , Chlorocresol 10, 2 200-001-8, 200-431-6 50-00-0, 59-50-7 TP2
ARIEL PROFESSIONAL COLOUR-SAFE STAINBUSTER 79 Nr. 3661BIO/02/12.24 Solvay Chemicals International SA - Belgia Acid 6-(ftalimido)peroxihexanoic (PAP) 0.17 410-850-8 128275-31-0 TP2
ASEPTANIOS AD 80 Nr. 3408BIO/02/09.20 Laboratoires Anios - Franta Acid peracetic rezultat in situ din:, Acidului acetic, Hydrogen peroxide 0,12 201-186-8, 200-580-7, 231-765-0 79-21-0, 64-19-7, 7722-84-1 TP2
ASEPTOPOL EL 75 81 Nr. 2317BIO/02/12.24 Ecolab GmbH & Co OHG - Germania N-(3-aminopropyl)-N-dodecylpropane-1,3-diamine , Didecyldimethylammonium chloride, Ethanol 1,65, 1, 1,92 219-145-8, 230-525-2, 200-578-6 2372-82-9, 7173-51-5, 64-17-5 TP2
ASISTENT - ALCOOL SANITAR 82 Nr. 2340BIO/01-02/12.24 SC Euroavipo SA - Romania Ethanol 70 200-578-6 64-17-5 TP2
AXIS HYGIENET NF 83 Nr. 1950BIO/02-04/12.24 Laboratoires A.C.I. International - Franta Didecyldimethylammonium chloride 3,5 230-525-2 7173-51-5 TP2
AИA URBAN MIX DEZINFECTANT PENTRU SUPRAFEȚE ȘI MÂINI (AИA CLEAN DEZINFECTANT PENTRU SUPRAFEȚE ȘI MÂINI) 84 Nr. 4816BIO/01-02/12.24 Nantong Health & Beyond Hygienic Ningbo Jiangbei Ocean Star Trading - China Ethanol 70 % 200-578-6 64-17-5 TP2
B3 86 Nr. 4184BIO/02/09.20 PROFESSIONAL SUPPORT SRO - Cehia Peroxid de oxigen , Acid peracetic 30% , 5% 231-765-0 201-186-8 TP2
BABY-POOL 87 Nr. 3247BIO/02/12.24 Aqualing Kft H-1117 - Ungaria Polymer of N-Methylmethanamine (EINECS 204-697-4 with (chloromethyl)-oxirane (EINECS 203-439-8)/ Polymeric quaternary ammonium chloride 7 Polymer 25988-97-0 TP2
BACACID EL 1000 88 Nr. 2318BIO/02/12.24 Ecolab GmbH & Co OHG - Germania L-(+)-lactic acid , Quaternary ammonium compounds, benzyl-C12-16-alkyldimethyl, chlorides" 8 , 2,45 201-196-2, 270-325-2 79-33-4, 68424-85-1 TP2
BACFORCE EL 900 89 Nr. 2319BIO/02/12.21 Ecolab GmbH & Co OHG - Germania Sodium hypochlorite 3,94 231-668-3 7681-52-9 TP2
BACILLOL 30 FOAM 90 Nr. 3730BIO/02/12.24 BODE Chemie GmbH & Co. KG - Germania Etanol , Propan-2-ol, Propan-1-ol, Amine, N-C12-14(numere pare)-alchiltrimetilenedi-, produse de reacție cu acidul cloroacetic (Amfolit 20)" 14 , 10, 6, 0,5 200-578-6, 200-661-7, 200-746-9, Nu se aplică 64-17-5, 67-63-0, 71-23-8, 139734-65-9 TP2
BACILLOL 30 TISSUES 91 Nr. 3731BIO/02/12.24 BODE Chemie GmbH & Co. KG - Germania Etanol , Propan-2-ol, Propan-1-ol, Amine, N-C12-14(numere pare)-alchiltrimetilenedi-, produse de reacție cu acidul cloroacetic (Amfolit 20) 14 , 10, 6, 0,5 200-578-6, 200-661-7, 200-746-9, Nu se aplică 64-17-5, 67-63-0, 71-23-8, 139734-65-9 TP2
BACILLOL AF 92 Nr. 382BIO/02/12.24 BODE Chemie GmbH & Co. KG - Germania Propan-2-ol, Propan-1-ol, Ethanol 25, 45, 4,7 200-661-7, 200-746-9, 200-578-6 67-63-0, 71-23-8, 64-17-5 TP2
BACILLOL TISSUES 93 Nr. 446BIO/02/12.24 BODE Chemie GmbH & Co. KG - Germania Propan-2-ol, Propan-1-ol, Ethanol 25, 45, 4,7 200-661-7, 200-746-9, 200-578-6 67-63-0, 71-23-8, 64-17-5 TP2
BACOBAN WB 94 Nr. 3651BIO/02/12.24 CCM GmbH - Germania Clorură de alchil (C12-16) dimetilbenzil amoniu [ADBAC/BKC (C12-C16)], Piridin-2-tiol 1-oxid, sare de sodiu (Piritionă de sodiu) 26g/100g , 2,5g/100g 270-325-2 223-296-5 TP2
BACSAFE EL 400 95 Nr. 3644BIO/02/12.24 Ecolab Deustschland GMBH - Germania Clorură de alchil (C12-16) dimetilbenzil amoniu [ADBAC/BKC (C12-C16)] , N-(3-aminopropil)-N-dodecilpropan- 1,3-diamină (Diamină) 0,94% , 0,80% 270-325-2, 219-145-8 68424-85-1, 2372-82-9 TP2
BACTICID 96 Nr. 2884BIO/02/12.24 AS CHEMI – PHARM - Estonia Ethanol, Quaternary ammonium compounds, C12-14-alkyl[(ethylphenyl)methyl]dimethyl, chlorides, Quaternary ammonium compounds, benzyl-C12-18-alkyldimethyl, chlorides" 72, 0,0125, 0,0125 200-578-6, 287-090-7 64-17-5, 85409-23-0, 68391-01-5 TP2
BAKTA CHLOORTABLETTEN 97 Nr. 347BIO/02-04/12.24 Ecolab GmbH & Co OHG - Germania Sodium dichloroisocyanurate dihydrate 56 (1 tb. de 1,82g genereaza 1g clor) 220-767-7 51580-86-0 TP2
BARBICIDE DEZINFECTANT CONCENTRAT 98 Nr. 2759BIO/02/12.24 KING RESEARCH INTERNATIONAL - SUA Propan-2-ol, Quaternary ammonium compounds, benzyl-C12-16-alkyldimethyl, chlorides 13 , 5,1 200-661-7, 270-325-2 67-63-0, 68424-85-1 TP2
BARBICIDE SPRAY DEZINFECTANT 99 Nr. 2758BIO/02/12.24 KING RESEARCH INTERNATIONAL - SUA Propan-2-ol, Quaternary ammonium compounds, benzyl-C12-16-alkyldimethyl, chlorides 0,764, 0,3 200-661-7, 270-325-2 67-63-0, 68424-85-1 TP2
BARDIVAL 96 100 Nr. 48BIO/02-04/12.24 S.C. Pons Quimicas S.L. - Spania Didecyldimethylammonium chloride 4,5 230-525-5 7173-51-5 TP2
BARQUAT BC 50 101 Nr. 3339BIO/02/12.24 QUAT CHEM LTD - Marea Britanie Quaternary ammonium compounds, benzyl-C12-16-alkyldimethyl, chlorides 50 270-325-2 68424-85-1 TP2
BAYROSHOCK 102 Nr. 4529BIO/02/12.24 Bayrol Deutschland GmbH - Germania Peroxid de hidrogen , Polimer de N-metilmetanamină cu (clorometil)-oxiran 34 %, 1 % 231-765-0, - 7722-84-1, 25988-97-0 TP2
BAYROSOFT 103 Nr. 3817BIO/02/12.24 Bayrol Deutschland GmbH - Germania Peroxid de hidrogen, Polimer de N-metilamină cu (clorometil)-oxiran 32,6 %, 2,3 % 231-765-0, - 7722-84-1, 25988-97-0 TP2
BC 80 104 Nr. 3340BIO/02/12.24 QUAT CHEM LTD - Marea Britanie Quaternary ammonium compounds, benzyl-C12-16-alkyldimethyl, chlorides 80 270-325-2 68424-85-1 TP2
BEACTIVE 02 RTU 105 Nr. 3875BIO/02/12.24 ECOTECH CHEMICALS S.R.L - Romania Clorură de didecildimetilamoniu (Didecyldimethylammonium chloride) 0,30 % 230-252-2 7173-51-5 TP2
BEACTIVE 06 PUBLIC 106 Nr. 3977BIO/02/12.24 ECOTECH CHEMICALS S.R.L - Romania Clorură de alchil (C12-16) dimetilbenzil amoniu [ADBAC/BKC (C12-C16)] , Clorură de didecildimetilamoniu (DDAC) 5%, 5% 270-325-2, 230-525-2 68424-85-1, 7173-51-5 TP2
BEDO BIO AMO DESINFEKTANT 107 Nr. 3335BIO/02/07.20 Bedo Production & Services UG - Germania Hydrogen peroxide 8 231-765-0 7722-84-1 TP2
BETA GUARD 108 Nr. 1009BIO/02/12.24 Laboratorium Dr. Deepe - Germania Didecyldimethylammonium chloride 5 230-525-2 7173-51-5 TP2
BETA GUARD NEU 109 Nr. 4860BIO/02/12.24 Laboratorium Dr. Deepe - Germania 2-fenoxietanol , clorura de alchil(C12-16)dimetilbenzil amoniu, N-(3-Aminopropil)N-dodecilpropan-1,3-diamina 2%, 7%, 5% 204-589-7, 270-325-2, 219-145-8 122-99-6, 68424-85-1, 2372-82-9 TP2
BICLOSOL 110 Nr. 2032BIO/02-04/12.24 SC BORERO COMSERV SRL - Romania Sodium dichloroisocyanurate dihydrate 81,8 220-767-7 51580-86-0 TP2
BIOCIN 976 - VOPSEA LAVABILA ANTIMICROBIANA 111 Nr. 2239BIO/02/12.24 SC Romchim Protect SA - Romania 1,2-benzisothiazol-3(2H)-one 0,045 220-120-9 2634-33-5 TP2
BIOCIN 986 - VOPSEA ELASTOMERICA ANTIMICROBIANA 112 Nr. 2240BIO/02/12.24 SC Romchim Protect SA - Romania 1,2-benzisothiazol-3(2H)-one 0,045 220-120-9 2634-33-5 TP2
BIOCLEAN BIOCID 113 Nr. 1176BIO/02-04/12.24 SC Diemer SRL - Romania Didecyldimethylammonium chloride , Glutaral, Quaternary ammonium compounds, benzyl-C12-14-alkyldimethyl, chlorides 8, 10, 17 230-525-2, 203-865-5, 287-089-1 7173-51-5, 111-30-8, 85409-22-9 TP2
BIOMINT 114 Nr. 3190BIO/02/12.24 Lodi S.A. - Franta Glutaral, Didecyldimethylammonium chloride, Quaternary ammonium compounds, benzyl-C12-18-alkyldimethyl, chlorides 12, 7,5, 7,5 203-856-5, 230-525-5, 269-919-4 111-30-8, 7173-51-5, 68391-01-5 TP2
Bionet A 15 115 Nr. 4449BIO/02/12.24 SC G&M 2000 SRL - Romania Alkyl (C12-16) dimethylbenzyl ammonium chloride (ADBAC/BKC (C12-16)) , Didecyldimethylammonium chloride, Alcool etilic, Alcool izopropilic 6,25 %, 2,5 %, 6,35 %, 3,65 % 270-325-2, 230-525-2, 200-578-6, 200-661-7 68424-85-1, 7173-51-5, 64-17-5, 67-63-0 TP2
BIONET AG 116 Nr. 1636BIO/02/12.24 SC G&M 2000 SRL - Romania Didecyldimethylammonium chloride, Alkyl (C12-16) dimethylbenzyl ammonium chloride (ADBAC/BKC (C12-16)), Glutaral, Alcool etilic, Alcool izopropilic 5 , 5, 5, 7,6, 4,5 230-525-2, 270-325-2, 203-856-5, 200-578-6, 200-661-7 7173-51-5, 68424-85-1, 111-30-8, 64-17-5, 67-63-0 TP2
BIONET S – SERVETELE UMEDE DEZINFECTANTE (ALTE DENUMIRI COMERCIALE: PRIMA TOP ACTIV) 117 Nr. 2979BIO/02/12.24 SC G&M 2000 SRL - Romania Acid D-gluconic, compusul cu N,N′-bis-(4-clorofenil)-3,12-diimino-2,4,11,13-tetraazatetradecandiamidină (2:1), Etanol, Propan-2-ol 0,5, 36, 24 242-354-0, 200-578-6, 200-661-7 18472-51-0, 64-17-5, 67-63-0 TP2
BIONET SP SANIDOR 118 Nr. 1135BIO/02/12.24 SC G&M 2000 SRL - Romania Didecyldimethylammonium chloride, Alkyl (C12-16) dimethylbenzyl ammonium chloride (ADBAC/BKC (C12-16)), Monohydro chloride of polymer of N,N’”-1,6-hexanediylbis [N′-cyanoguanidine] (EINECS 240-032-4) and hexamethylenediamine (EINECS 204-679-6)/ Polyhexamethylene biguanide (monomer: 1,5-bis (trimethylen)-guanylguanidinium monohydrochloride) 0,5, 2, 0,2 230-525-2, 270-325-2, Polymer 7173-51-5, 68424-85-1, 27083-27-8, 32289-58-0 TP2
BIOQUELL HPV – AQ - HYDROGEN PEROXIDE 119 Nr. 3834BIO/02/07.20 BIOQUELL UK Ltd - Marea Britanie Peroxid de hydrogen 39,5% 231-765-0 7722-84-1 TP2
BIOSEPT AKTIV 120 Nr. 946BIO/02-04/12.24 SC Romexterra Grup SRL - Romania Didecyldimethylammonium chloride , N-(3-aminopropyl)-N-dodecylpropane-1,3-diamine, Quaternary ammonium compounds, benzyl-C12-18-alkyldimethyl, chlorides 9, 6, 10 230-525-2, 219-145-8, 269-919-4 7173-51-5, 2372-82-9, 68391-01-5 TP2
BIOSPERSE™ 3001 MICROBIOCIDE 121 Nr. 4663BIO/02-11/12.21 Solenis Austria GmbH - Austria Hipoclorit de sodiu 13% 231-668-3 7681-52-9 TP2
BIOXECO 5S 122 Nr. 3783BIO/02/07.20 Roam Technology NV - Belgia Peroxid de hidrogen 5% 231-765-0 7722-84-1 TP2
CATI - ETERA 124 Nr. 817BIO/02-04/12.24 SC Etera Prod SRL - Romania Quaternary ammonium compounds, benzyl-C12-18-alkyldimethyl, chlorides 1,7 269-919-4 68391-01-5 TP2
CELLODOR + PAMPLEMOSSE 125 Nr. 2739BIO/02/12.24 CELLANDE SA - Franta Propan-2-ol , Didecyldimethylammonium chloride 7, 2,5 200-661-7 67-63-0, 7173-51-5 TP2
CHAMPION ALGAECIDE 126 Nr. 1944BIO/02/12.24 Brenntag GmbH - Germania Quaternary ammonium compounds, benzyl-C12-16-alkyldimethyl, chlorides 50 270-325-2 68424-85-1 TP2
CHEMGENE HLD4H 127 Nr. 3921BIO/02/12.24 MEDIMARK SCIENTIFIC LTD - Marea Britanie Didecyldimethylammonium chloride, Quaternary ammonium compounds, benzyl-C12-16-alkyldimethyl, chlorides, D-gluconic acid, compound with N,N″-bis(4-chlorophenyl)-3,12-diimino-2,4,11,13-tetraazatetradecanediamidine(2:1), N-(3-aminopropyl)-N-dodecylpropane-1,3-diamine 2,75 %, 4,92 %, 1,92 % , 5,13 % 230-525-2, 270-325-2, 242-354-0, 219-145-8 7173-51-5, 68424-85-1, 18472-51-0, 2372-82-9 TP2
CHEMIPHARM DES NEW 128 Nr. 2723BIO/02/12.24 AS CHEMI – PHARM - Estonia Quaternary ammonium compounds. C12-14-alkyl[(ethylphenyl)methyl]dimethyl, chlorides -benzyl-C12-18-alkyldimethyl, chlorides 7 287-090-7 85409-23-0 TP2
CHEMOCLOR CH-GRANULAT 129 Nr. 565BIO/02/12.21 Chemoform GmbH - Germania Calcium hypochlorite 65 231-908-7 7778-54-3 TP2
CHEMOCLOR T - TABLETE 130 Nr. 569BIO/02/12.24 Chemoform GmbH - Germania Symclosene 97,55 201-782-8 87-90-1 TP2
CHEMOCLOR T - GRANULAT 65 131 Nr. 566BIO/02/12.24 Chemoform GmbH - Germania Sodium dichloroisocyanurate dihydrate 95 220-767-7 51580-86-0 TP2
CHEMOCLOR T - TABLETE SOC 132 Nr. 568BIO/02/12.24 Chemoform GmbH - Germania Symclosene 55 201-782-8 87-90-1 TP2
CHLOR GRANULAT 133 Nr. 3248BIO/02/12.24 Aqualing Kft H-1117 - Ungaria Sodium dichloroisocyanurate dihydrate 97,5 220-767-7 51580-86-0 TP2
CHLORAMIN T PULBERE 134 Nr. 428BIO/02-05/12.24 Schulke CZ s.r.o. - Cehia Tosylchloramide sodium 81 204-854-7 127-65-1 TP2
CHLORIFIX 135 Nr. 3914BIO/02/12.24 Bayrol Deutschland GmbH - Germania Troclosen de sodiu, dihidrat 100%, Clor active 55% 220-767-7 51580-86-0 TP2
CHLORIKLAR 136 Nr. 3819BIO/02/12.24 Bayrol Deutschland GmbH - Germania Simclosen 55 %, clor activ 90% 201-782-8 87-90-1 TP2
CHLORILONG POWER 5 137 Nr. 4487BIO/02/12.24 Bayrol Deutschland GmbH - Germania Simclosen 84,5 201-782-9 87-90-1 TP2
CHLORILONG 200 138 Nr. 3820BIO/02/12.24 Bayrol Deutschland GmbH - Germania Simclosen 98,0%, Clor activ 90% 201-782-8 87-90-1 TP2
CHLORILONG 250 139 Nr. 659BIO/02/12.24 Bayrol Deutschland GmbH - Germania Symclosene 92 201-782-8 87-90-1 TP2
CHLORILONG ULTIMATE 7 140 Nr. 3930BIO/02/12.24 Bayrol Deutschland GmbH - Germania Simclosen, Troclosen de sodiu , Troclosen de sodiu 57% Clor activ 90% , 35% Clor activ 60%, 84,5% Clor activ 60% 201-782-8, 220-767-7, 220-767-7. 87-90-1, 2893-78-9, 2893-78-9. TP2
CHLORILONG ULTIMATE 7 BLOC 141 Nr. 4013BIO/02/12.24 Bayrol Deutschland GmbH - Germania Simclosen , Simclosen, Troclosen de sodiu, Polimer N-metilmetanamina cu (clorometil)-oxiran 81,6% (clor activ 90%) , 57% (clor activ 90%), 35% Clor activ 60%, 9% 201-782-8, 201-782-8., 220-767-7, - 87-90-1, 87-90-1., 2893-78-9, 25988-97-0 TP2
CHLORINEX - 60 142 Nr. 2765BIO/02/12.24 AS CHEMI – PHARM - Estonia Sodium dichloroisocyanurate dihydrate 56 220-767-7 51580-86-0 TP2
CHLORSHOCK 143 Nr. 3249BIO/02/12.24 Aqualing Kft H-1117 - Ungaria Sodium dichloroisocyanurate dihydrate 97,5 (56 % clor activ) 220-767-7 51580-86-0 TP2
CHLORTABS 20 144 Nr. 3250BIO/02/12.24 Aqualing Kft H-1117 - Ungaria Symclosene/Acid trichloroisocianuric 99,0 201-782-8 87-90-1 TP2
CHLORTABS 200 145 Nr. 3712BIO/02/12.24 Aqualing Kft H-1117 - Ungaria Simclosen 99% (990g/kg) Clor activ eliberat 90% 201-782-8 87-90-1 TP2
CIF POWER & SHINE ANTIBACTERIAN 146 Nr. 3409BIO/02/12.24 Unilever Italia Manufacturing S.R.L. - Italia Clorură de alchil (C12-16) dimetilbenzil amoniu [ADBAC/BKC (C12-C16)] 0,75 270-325-2 68424-85-1 TP2
CILLIT BANG BLEACH & HYGIENE (ALTE DENUMIRI COMERCIALE): CILLIT BANG CURĂȚĂ & DEZINFECTEAZĂ SUPRAFEȚELE 147 Nr. 4636BIO/02/12.21 Reckitt Benckiser Production Sp. z o.o. - Polonia Sodium hypochlorite 2,19 g/100 g 231-668-3 7681-52-9 TP2
CLAX BACTISOFT 151 Nr. 777BIO/02/12.24 Diversey Europe Operations BV - Olanda Didecyldimethylammonium chloride 13,2 230-525-2 7173-51-5 TP2
CLAX PERSONRIL 4KL5 152 Nr. 4214BIO/02/09.20 Diversey Europe Operations BV - Olanda Peroxid de hidrogen , Peracetic acid 23 %, 5 % 231-765-0, 201-186-8 7722-84-1, 79-21-0 TP2
CLEANISEPT 153 Nr. 4437BIO/02/12.24 Dr. Schumacher GmbH - Germania Clorură de didecilmetilamoniu, Clorură de alchil (C12-16) dimetilbenzilamoniu 3,33 %, 6,66 % 230-525-2, 270-325-2 7173-51-5, 68424-85-1 TP2
CLEANISEPT WIPES FORTE MAXI 154 Nr. 4459BIO/02/12.24 Dr. Schumacher GmbH - Germania Clorură de didecildimetilamoniu (DDAC), Clorură de alchil (C12-16) dimetilbenzil amoniu [ADBAC/BKC (C12-C16)] 0,2% , 0,4% 230-525-2, 270-325-2 7173-51-5, 68424-85-1 TP2
CLEAR AND FUN (CLEAR AND FUN SUMMER FUN; CLEAR AND FUN PLANET POOL) 155 Nr. 1862BIO/02/12.24 Chemoform GmbH - Germania Sodium dichloroisocyanurate dihydrate 50 220-767-7 51580-86-0 TP2
CLEARKLENS BI-SPORE RTU VH26 156 Nr. 4607BIO/02/12.24 undefined Dioxid de clor format in situ din precursori: , Acid citric, Clorit de sodiu 50+/-3 ppm , 0,795g/kg (3,8955g/100g, 11,25g/kg (1,125%) 233-162-8, 201-069-1, 231-836-6 10049-04-4, 77-92-9, 7758-19-2 TP2
CLEARKLENS TEGO 2000 157 Nr. 4401BIO/02/12.20 Diversey Europe Operations BV - Olanda Amine,n-C10-16-alchiltrimetilendi-, produse de reactie cu acidul cloroacetic 20% Amestec 139734-65-9 TP2
CLEARKLENS TEGO 2000 RTU 158 Nr. 4311BIO/02/12.20 Diversey Europe Operations BV - Olanda Amine, N-C10-16-alchiltrimetilendi-, produse de reactie cu acid cloracetic 2g/kg (0,2%) Amestec 139734-65-9 TP2
CLINEX W3 BACTI 159 Nr. 4443BIO/02/12.24 Nanochem Sp. z.o.o - Polonia Acid glicolic 2,5 % 201-180-5 79-14-1 TP2
CLOR 160 Nr. 1926BIO/02-05/12.21 SC Chimcomplex SA Borzesti - Romania Chlorine 99,8 231-959-5 7782-50-5 TP2
CLOR SAFE 161 Nr. 3986BIO/02-05/12.21 S.C. Sadachit Prodcom S.R.L - Romania Hipoclorit de sodiu 25,4%, Clor activ 12,1% 231-668-3 7681-52-9 TP2
CLOR – TABLETE MAXI (SUMMERFUN; CLOR TABLETE MAXI PLANET POOL) 162 Nr. 1382BIO/02/12.24 Chemoform GmbH - Germania Symclosene 97,5 201-782-8 87-90-1 TP2
CLOR ACTIV DEZINFECTANT KRYSTAL CLASIC (KRYSTAL SANAN KLASIC) 163 Nr. 3030BIO/02/12.21 Cormen S.R.O. - Republica Ceha Sodium hypochlorite 6 231-668-3 7681-52-9 TP2
CLOR ACTIV GRANULE 164 Nr. 4862BIO/02/12.24 S.C. Chemical Company S.A. - Romania Dicloroizocianurat de sodiu dihidrat 98%(clor activ eliberat 55%) 220-767-7 51580-86-0 TP2
CLOR LENT TABLETE 200 165 Nr. 4861BIO/02/12.24 S.C. Chemical Company S.A. - Romania Simclosen 98%(clor activ eliberat 90%) 87-90-1 201-782-8 TP2
CLOR LENT TABLETS 200 166 Nr. 2952BIO/02/12.24 Manufacturas Gre, S.A. - Spania Simclosen (Acid tricloroizocianuric) 95,5 201-782-8 87-90-1 TP2
CLOR LICHID 167 Nr. 1380BIO/02/12.21 Chemoform GmbH - Germania Sodium hypochlorite 12 231-668-3 7681-52-9 TP2
CLOR LICHID 168 Nr. 3684BIO/02/12.21 Solutii Piscina SRL - Romania Hipoclorit de sodiu 13% clor activ 231-668-3 7681-52-9 TP2
CLOR PLUS 169 Nr. 997BIO/02/12.24 Chemoform GmbH - Germania Sodium dichloroisocyanurate dihydrate 50 220-767-7 51580-86-0 TP2
CLOR RAPID GRANULAT (CLOR RAPID GRANULAT SUMMER FUN; CLOR RAPID GRANULAT PLANET POOL) 170 Nr. 966BIO/02/12.24 Chemoform GmbH - Germania Sodium dichloroisocyanurate dihydrate 95 220-767-7 51580-86-0 TP2
CLOR RAPID TABLETE STAR 171 Nr. 3002BIO/02/12.24 Inquide S.A. - Spania Triclosen sodic, dihidrat (dicloroizocianurat de sodiu) 90% (900 g/kg) 220-767-7 51580-86-0 TP2
CLOR TABLETE MINI 20G (CLOR TABLETE MINI 20G SUMMER FUN; CLOR TABLETE MINI 20G PLANET POOL) 172 Nr. 2400BIO/02/12.24 Chemoform GmbH - Germania Symclosene 1 tab. de 20g are 19,5 mg/g subs. activa 201-782-8 87-90-1 TP2
CLORAMINA T 173 Nr. 112BIO/02-04-05/ 12.24 Schulke CZ s.r.o. - Cehia Tosylchloramide sodium 81 204-854-7 127-65-1 TP2
CLORAMINA T MEDUMAN 174 Nr. 808BIO/02/12.24 SC Meduman SA - Romania Tosylchloramide sodium 81 204-854-7 127-65-1 TP2
CLORCHOC GRANULATE 175 Nr. 2881BIO/02/12.24 Manufacturas Gre, S.A. - Spania Dicloroizocinurat de sodium dihidrat (Triclosen de sodiu dihidrat) 100 220-767-7 57580-86-0 TP2
CLORO FOAM 176 Nr. 521BIO/02-04/12.21 Allegrini S.p.A. - Italia Sodium hypochlorite 20 231-668-3 7681-52-9 TP2
CLOROM 177 Nr. 4450BIO/02/12.24 SC G&M 2000 SRL - Romania Sodium dichloroisocyanurate dihydrate 77,14 220-767-7 51580-86-0 TP2
CLORURA DE VAR 178 Nr. 4605BIO/02/12.21 SC Chimcomplex SA Borzesti - Romania Hipoclorit de calciu 26,2 % 231-908-7 7778-54-3 TP2
COMBI 200G 179 Nr. 1379BIO/02/12.24 Chemoform GmbH - Germania Symclosene 97 201-782-8 87-90-1 TP2
COMPLETE & EASY 180 Nr. 4419BIO/02/12.24 Bayrol Deutschland GmbH - Germania Compartiment 1: Pentapotasiu-bid(peroximonosulfat-bis(sulfat) , Troclosen sodiu dihidrat , Compartiment 2: Polimer de N-Matilmetanaminina cu (clormetil)-oxiran 45mg/g , 500mg/g (clor activ 55%), 40mg/g 274-778-7, 220-767-7, - 70693-62-8, 2893-78-9, 25988-97-0 TP2
CONTEC HYDROPURE 181 Nr. 3358BIO/02/01.20 Contec - Franta Hydrogen peroxide 6 231-765-0 7722-84-1 TP2
CONTEC STERILE 70% DENATURED ETHANOL (CONTEC FILTERED 70% DENATURED ETHANOL) 182 Nr. 3469BIO/02/12.24 Contec - Franta Ethanol , Propan-2-ol 66,5 % , 3,5 % 200-578-6 200-661-7 TP2
CORAL CERAMIC – VOPSEA ULTRALAVABILĂ, ANTIBACTERIANĂ 183 Nr. 3282BIO/02/12.24 S.C. SARCOM S.R.L. - Romania 1,2-benzisothiazol-3(2H)-one 0,03 220-120-9 2634-33-5 TP2
COSELIACTIVE CLOR 184 Nr. 2295BIO/02/12.24 SC Coseli SA - Romania Sodium dichloroisocyanurate dihydrate 84 220-767-7 51580-86-0 TP2
CTX 130 TABLETE DE BROM 185 Nr. 2036BIO/02/12.24 Inquide S.A. - Spania Bromochloro-5,5-dimethylimidazolidine-2,4-dione 98 251-171-5 32718-18-6 TP2
CTX 200 / GR CLOR RAPID GRANULE 55% 186 Nr. 1542BIO/02/12.24 Inquide S.A. - Spania Sodium dichloroisocyanurate dihydrate 99,8 220-767-7 51580-86-0 TP2
CTX 300 GR TRICLOR GRANULE 187 Nr. 2120BIO/02/12.24 INQUIDE S.A.U. - Spania Symclosene 99,5 201-782-8 87-90-1 TP2
CTX 370 / CLOR LENT TABLETE 188 Nr. 1543BIO/02/12.24 INQUIDE S.A.U. - Spania Symclosene 95 201-782-8 87-90-1 TP2
CTX 392 / TRIPLEX - 200 189 Nr. 1544BIO/02/12.24 INQUIDE S.A.U. - Spania Symclosene 91,5 201-782-8 87-90-1 TP2
CURĂTEL SOLUTIE DEZINFECTANTĂ 190 Nr. 4016BIO/02/12.24 S.C. FRESH DIEMA SAN S.R.L. - România Quaternary ammonium compounds, benzyl-C12-16-alkyldimethyl, chlorides 0,08 % 270-325-2 68424-85-1 TP2
D- COOK (D-MATIC) 191 Nr. 2133BIO/02/12.24 HUNGAROCHEMICALS KFT - Ungaria Quaternary ammonium compounds, benzyl-C12-16-alkyldimethyl, chlorides 5 270-325-2 68424-85-1 TP2
D- DISH (D-LICHID) 192 Hungarochemicals KFT, Ungaria HUNGAROCHEMICALS KFT - Ungaria Quaternary ammonium compounds, benzyl-C12-16-alkyldimethyl, chlorides 3 270-325-2 68424-85-1 TP2
D- STERIL 4 193 D- STERIL 4 HUNGAROCHEMICALS KFT - Ungaria Sodium dichloroisocyanurate dihydrate 100 220-767-7 51580-86-0 TP2
DANKE! ANTI-BACTERIAN 194 Nr. 4538BIO/02/12.24 PPG Romania SRL - Romania 1,2 –benzisotiazolin-3-ona 0,3 % 220-120-9 2634-33-5 TP2
DASIL DETERGENT AUTOMAT FLORAL (ALTE DENUMIRI COMERCIALE: ZEMAX PERACETIC DETERGENT GRANULAT AUTOMATIC) 195 Nr. 2362BIO/02/12.24 S.C. Romchim SRL - Romania Peracetic acid generat in situ din: , Sodium perborat, Tetraacetylethylenediamine 1,99 , 12, 4 201-186-8, 234-390-0, 234-123-8 79-21-0, 10486-00-7, 10543-57-4 TP2
D-DOM 196 Nr. 2073BIO/02/12.21 HUNGAROCHEMICALS KFT - Ungaria Sodium hypochlorite 17 231-668-3 7681-52-9 TP2
DECONEX SOLARSEPT 197 Nr. 1471BIO/02/12.24 Borer Chemie AG - Elvetia Propan-2-ol, Propan-1-ol, N-(3-aminopropyl)-N-dodecylpropane-1,3-diamine 43,9, 21,9, 0,15 200-661-7, 200-746-9, 219-145-8 67-63-0, 71-23-8, 2372-82-9 TP2
DEEP PLUS 198 Nr. 161BIO/02-04/12.24 Bilim Endüstriyel Kimyasallar Sanayi Ve Ticaret Limited Şirketi okitelli Organize Sanayi Bölgesi - Turcia Sodium dichloroisocyanurate dihydrate 4,4 220-767-7 51580-86-0 TP2
DEGRAGERM JFLEX 199 Nr. 2174BIO/02/12.24 DIVERSEY EMA - Olanda Quaternary ammonium compounds, benzyl-C12-16-alkyldimethyl, chlorides , N-(3-aminopropyl)-N-dodecylpropane-1,3-diamine 20, 1,8 270-325-2, 219-145-8 68424-85-1, 2372-82-9 TP2
DEGRAGERM QUATTRO SELECT (QS) 200 Nr. 2175BIO/02/12.24 DIVERSEY EMA - Olanda Quaternary ammonium compounds, benzyl-C12-16-alkyldimethyl, chlorides, N-(3-aminopropyl)-N-dodecylpropane-1,3-diamine 20, 1,8 270-325-2, 219-145-8 68424-85-1, 2372-82-9 TP2
DENTIRO WIPES 201 Nr. 1208BIO/02/12.24 Oro Clean Chemie AG - Elvetia Ethanol, Propan-2-ol 31,3, 16,7 200-578-6, 200-661-7 64-17-5, 67-63-0 TP2
DEORNET CLOR 202 Nr. 3447BIO/02/12.21 E’Cosi SRL - Italia Sodium hypochlorite 20 231-668-3 7681-52-9 TP2
DEO-SEPT 203 Nr. 1439BIO/02/12.24 SC Pasteur Filiala Filipesti SRL - Romania Quaternary ammonium compounds, benzyl-C12-18-alkyldimethyl, chlorides , Didecyldimethylammonium chloride 5, 5 269-919-4, 230-525-2 68391-01-5, 7173-51-5 TP2
DESALGINE 204 Nr. 4420BIO/02/12.24 Bayrol Deutschland GmbH - Germania Compuşi de amoniu cuaternar, benzil-C12-14-alchildimetil, cloruri , Etanol, Homopolimer de clorura de N,N-dimetil-N-2-propenil-2-propen-1-aminiu 22% , 3,3 %, 1,6 % 287-089-1, 200-578-6, 687-463-8 85409-22-9, 64-17-5, 26062-79-3 TP2
DESALGINE C 205 Nr. 3818BIO/02/12.24 Bayrol Deutschland GmbH - Germania Compuşi de amoniu cuaternar, benzil-C12-14-alchildimetil, cloruri 9 % 287-089-1 85409-22-9 TP2
DESALGINE JET 206 Nr. 3705BIO/02/12.24 Bayrol Deutschland GmbH - Germania Polimer de N-metilmetanamină cu (clorometil)-oxiran 22,5% - 25988-97-0 TP2
DESCOSEPT AF 207 Nr. 4412BIO/02/12.24 Dr. Schumacher GmbH - Germania Etanol, Clorură de didecildimetilamoniu 42% , 0,05% 200-578-6, 230-525-2 64-17-5, 7173-51-5 TP2
DESCOSEPT AF WIPES 208 Nr. 4413BIO/02/12.24 Dr. Schumacher GmbH - Germania Etanol , Clorură de didecildimetilamoniu 42%, 0,05% 200-578-6, 230-525-2 64-17-5, 7173-51-5 TP2
DESCOSEPT FORTE 209 Nr. 4438BIO/02/12.24 Dr. Schumacher GmbH - Germania Etanol 0.6 200-578-6 64-17-5 TP2
DESCOSEPT SENSITIVE WIPES 210 Nr. 4460BIO/02/12.24 Dr. Schumacher GmbH - Germania Etanol 45% 200-578-6 64-17-5 TP2
DESGUARD 20 211 Nr. 359BIO/02-04/12.24 Ecolab GmbH & Co OHG - Germania Quaternary ammonium compounds, benzyl-C12-16-alkyldimethyl, chlorides , N-(3-aminopropyl)-N-dodecylpropane-1,3-diamine 7,5, 4,0 270-325-2, 219-145-8 68424-85-1, 2372-82-9 TP2
DESINET-COMPACT-CONCENTRAT 212 Nr. 2994BIO/02/12.24 Johannes Kiehl KG - Germania N-(3-Aminopropil)-N-dodecilpropan-1,3-diamin , Didecildimetilclorura de amoniu 12, 7 219-145-8, 230-525-2 2372-82-9, 7173-51-5 TP2
DESOGERM SP CONCENTRAT 213 Nr. 1139BIO/02/12.24 SC G&M 2000 SRL - Romania Didecyldimethylammonium chloride , Alkyl (C12-16) dimethylbenzyl ammonium chloride (ADBAC/BKC (C12-16)) 8, 7 230-525-2, 270-325-2 7173-51-5, 68424-85-1 TP2
DESPREJ 214 Nr. 461BIO/02/12.24 Bochemie s.r.o. - Cehia Ethanol , Propan-2-ol, Didecyldimethylammonium chloride 45 , 30, 0,5 200-578-6, 200-661-7, 230-525-2 64-17-5, 67-63-0, 7173-51-5 TP2
DETERGENT DEZINFECTANT AMFOTERIC (AMPHOS SF) 215 Nr. 3234BIO/02/12.24 Quimicas Quimxel S.L. - Spania Didecyldimethylammonium chloride (DDAC), N-(3-aminopropil)-N-dodecilpropan- 1,3-diamină (Diamină) 0,53, 2,62 230-525-2, 219-145-8 7173-51-5, 2372-82-9 TP2
DETERGENT DEZINFECTANT PENTRU PARDOSELI SI SUPRAFETE FRESH 216 Nr. 2936BIO/02/12.24 Quimicas Quimxel S.L. - Spania Clorura de didecildimetilamoniu 2,1 230-525-2 7173-51-5 TP2
DETERGENT PARFUMAT CU DEZINFECTANT (ALTE DENUMIRI COMERCIALE: BATOXEL) 217 Nr. 3298BIO/02/12.24 Quimicas Quimxel S.L. - Spania Glyoxal, Didecyldimethylammonium chloride, Glutaral, Quaternary ammonium compounds, benzyl-C12-18-alkyldimethyl, chlorides 3 , 2,3, 2,5, 3,8 203-474-9, 230-525-2, 203-856-5, 269-919-4 107-22-2, 7173-51-5, 111-30-8, 68391-01-5 TP2
DETERGENT PROFESIONAL ANTISPUMANT PENTRU PARDOSELI FABI 218 Nr. 3138BIO/02/12.24 SC FABI TOTAL GRUP SRL - Romania Alkyldimethylbenzylammonium chloride 1,25 270-325-2 68424-85-1 TP2
DETERGENT PROFESIONAL DEZINFECTANT PENTRU PARDOSELI FABI 219 Nr. 3137BIO/02/12.24 SC FABI TOTAL GRUP SRL - Romania Alkyldimethylbenzylammonium chloride 1,25 270-325-2 68424-85-1 TP2
DETTOL SENSITIVE – DEZINFECTANT PENTRU RUFE; DETTOL ANTIBACTERIAL LAUNDRY CLEANSER SENSITIVE; DETTOL LAUNDRY SANITIZER SENSITIVE 220 Nr. 4416BIO/02/12.24 Reckitt Benckiser Italy - Italia Quaternary ammonium compounds, di-C 8-10-alkyldimethyl,chlorides , Quaternary ammonium compounds, benzyl-C12-18-alkyldimethyl, chlorides 1,44%, 0,96% 270-331-5, 269-919-4 68424-95-3, 68391-01-5 TP2
DETTOL CRISP LINEN SPRAY DEZINFECTANT PENTRU SUPRAFETE 221 Nr. 4847BIO/02/12.24 SCReckittBenckiser (UK) Ltd - Marea Britanie Etanol, Quaternary ammonium compounds, benzyl-C12-18-alkyldimethyl, salts with 1,2-benzisothiazol-3(2H)-one 1,1-dioxide 57,81g/100g produs, 0,09g/100g produs 200-578-6, 273-545-7 64-17-5, 68989-01-5 TP2
DETTOL FRESH COTTON –DEZINFECTANT PENTRU RUFE; DETTOL ANTIBACTERIAL LAUNDRY CLEANSER FRESH COTTON; DETTOL LAUNDRY SANITIZER FRESH COTTON 222 Nr. 4415BIO/02/12.24 Reckitt Benckiser Italy - Italia Quaternary ammonium compounds, di-C 8-10-alkyldimethyl,chlorides, Quaternary ammonium compounds, benzyl-C12-18-alkyldimethyl, chlorides 1,44%, 0,96% 270-331-5, 269-919-4 68424-95-3, 68391-01-5 TP2
DETTOL POWER & FRESH GREEN APPLE SERVETELE UMEDE DEZINFECTANTE PENTRU SUPRAFETE MULTIPLE 223 Nr. 4477BIO/02/12.24 Reckitt Benckiser Italy - Italia Clorura de benzalconiu(compusi cuaternari de amoniu,benzil-C12-16-alchildimetil cloruri) 0,40% 270-325-2 68424-85-1 TP2
DETTOL PULVERIZATOR DEZINFECTANT PENTRU SUPRAFETE POWER & FRESH GREEN APPLE 224 Nr. 3737BIO/02/12.24 SCReckittBenckiser (UK) Ltd - Marea Britanie Clorura de alchil (C12-16) dimetilbenzil amoniu [ADBAC/BKC (C12-16)] 0,108% 270-325-2 68424-85-1 TP2
DETTOL PULVERIZATOR DEZINFECTANT PENTRU SUPRAFETE POWER & FRESH LEMON & LIME 225 Nr. 3736BIO/02/12.24 SCReckittBenckiser (UK) Ltd - Marea Britanie Clorura de alchil (C12-16) dimetilbenzil amoniu [ADBAC/BKC (C12-16)] 0,108% 270-325-2 68424-85-1 TP2
DETTOL PULVERIZATOR DEZINFECTANT PENTRU SUPRAFETE POWER & FRESH LINEN & AQUA SKY 226 Nr. 3738BIO/02/12.24 SCReckittBenckiser (UK) Ltd - Marea Britanie Clorura de alchil (C12-16) dimetilbenzil amoniu [ADBAC/BKC (C12-16)] 0,108% 270-325-2 68424-85-1 TP2
DETTOL SPRING WATERFALL SPRAY DEZINFECTANT PENTRU SUPRAFETE 227 Nr. 4848BIO/02/12.24 SCReckittBenckiser (UK) Ltd - Marea Britanie Etanol, Quaternary ammonium compounds, benzyl-C12-18-alkyldimethyl, salts with 1,2-benzisothiazol-3(2H)-one 1,1-dioxide 57,81g/100g produs , 0,09g/100g produs 200-578-6, 273-545-7 64-17-5, 68989-01-5 TP2
DETTOL SURFACE CLEANSER WIPES SERVETELE UMEDE DEZINFECTANTE PENTRU SUPRAFETE MULTIPLE 228 Nr. 4478BIO/02/12.24 Reckitt Benckiser Italy - Italia Clorura de benzalconiu(compusi cuaternari de amoniu,benzil-C12-16-alchildimetil cloruri) 0,40% 270-325-2 68424-85-1 TP2
DETTOL TRIGGER ANTIBACTERIAL SURFACE CLEANSER (ALTE DENUMIRI COMERCIALE: DETTOL PULVERIZATOR PENTRU CURATAREA SI DEZINFECTAREA SUPRAFETELOR) 229 Nr. 3672BIO/02/12.24 SCReckittBenckiser (UK) Ltd - Marea Britanie Clorură de alchil (C12-16) dimetilbenzil amoniu [ADBAC/BKC (C12-C16)] 0,096% g/g 270-325-2 68424-85-1 TP2
DETTOL TRIGGER POWER &FRESH CRISP LINEN & AQUA SKY (ALTE DENUMIRI COMERCIALE: DETTOL POWER & FRESH - DEZINFECTANT CU PULVERIZATOR PENTRU SUPRAFETE CRISP LINEN & AQUA SKY) 230 Nr. 3733BIO/02/12.24 SCReckittBenckiser (UK) Ltd - Marea Britanie Clorura de alchil (C12-16) dimetilbenzil amoniu [ADBAC/BKC (C12-16)] 0,11% (0,11g/100g) 270-325-2 68424-85-1 TP2
DETTOL TRIGGER POWER &FRESH REFRESHING GREEN APPLE (ALTE DENUMIRI COMERCIALE: DETTOL POWER & FRESH - DEZINFECTANT CU PULVERIZATOR PENTRU SUPRAFETE REFRESHINNG GREEN APPLE) 231 Nr. 3735BIO/02/12.24 Reckitt Benckiser (UK) - Marea Britanie Clorura de alchil (C12-16) dimetilbenzil amoniu [ADBAC/BKC (C12-16)] 0,11% (0,11g/100g) 270-325-2 68424-85-1 TP2
DETTOL TRIGGER POWER &FRESH SPARKLING LEMON & LIME BURST (ALTE DENUMIRI COMERCIALE: DETTOL POWER & FRESH - DEZINFECTANT CU PULVERIZATOR PENTRU SUPRAFETE SPARKLING LEMON & LIME BURST) 232 Nr. 3734BIO/02/12.24 Reckitt Benckiser (UK) - Marea Britanie Clorura de alchil (C12-16) dimetilbenzil amoniu [ADBAC/BKC (C12-16)] 0,11% (0,11g/100g) 270-325-2 68424-85-1 TP2
DETTOL® SPRAY DEZINFECTANT PENTRU SUPRAFETE GREEN APPLE 233 Nr. 1385BIO/02-04/12.24 Reckitt Benckiser Inc. - SUA Ethanol, Quaternary ammonium compounds, benzyl-C12-18-alkyldimethyl, salts with 1,2-benzisothiazol-3(2H)-one 1,1-dioxide (1:1) 58, 0,10 200-578-6, 273-545-7 64-17-5, 68989-01-5 TP2
DETTOL® SPRAY DEZINFECTANT PENTRU SUPRAFETE MOUNTAIN AIR 234 Nr. 1387BIO/02-04/12.24 Reckitt Benckiser Inc. - SUA Ethanol, Quaternary ammonium compounds, benzyl-C12-18-alkyldimethyl, salts with 1,2-benzisothiazol-3(2H)-one 1,1-dioxide (1:1) 58, 0,10 200-578-6, 273-545-7 64-17-5, 68989-01-5 TP2
DETTOL® SPRAY DEZINFECTANT PENTRU SUPRAFETE SPRING WATERFALL 235 Nr. 1386BIO/02-04/12.24 Reckitt Benckiser Inc. - SUA Ethanol, Quaternary ammonium compounds, benzyl-C12-18-alkyldimethyl, salts with 1,2-benzisothiazol-3(2H)-one 1,1-dioxide (1:1) 58, 0,10 200-578-6 64-17-5, 68989-01-5 TP2
DEZI SEPT 236 Nr. 3813BIO/02/12.24 S.C. DACRIS COM 94 SRL - Romania Clorură de alchil (C12-16) dimetilbenzil amoniu [ADBAC/BKC (C12-C16)] 0,05 % 270-325-2 68424-85-1 TP2
DEZI SEPT SUPERCONCENTRAT 237 Nr. 3812BIO/02/12.24 S.C. DACRIS COM 94 SRL - Romania Clorură de alchil (C12-16) dimetilbenzil amoniu [ADBAC/BKC (C12-C16)] 50 % 270-325-2 68424-85-1 TP2
DEZINFECTANT DETERGENT PARDOSELI 1,5L 238 Nr. 4409BIO/02/12.24 Quimica del Centro S.A.U. - Spania Didecyldimethylammonium chloride 2% 230-525-2 7173-51-5 TP2
DEZINFECTANT BACTERICID LAS 3 BRUJAS LIMPIAZUL 239 Nr. 4020BIO/02/12.24 Producción y Manipulados (Forquisa) - Spania Clorură de didecildimetilamoniu 0,65% 230-525-2 7173-51-5 TP2
DEZINFECTANT CHICCO CU SPECTRU LARG DE UTILIZARE 240 Nr. 4140BIO/02/12.24 Artsana S.p.A - Italia Didecyldimethylammonium chloride 1,75 % 230-525-2 7173-51-5 TP2
DEZINFECTANT DETERGENT MULTIFUNCTIONAL 750 ML 241 Nr. 4397BIO/02/12.24 Quimica del Centro S.A.U. - Spania Didecyldimethyl ammonium chloride 2% 230-525-2 7173-51-5 TP2
DEZINFECTANT HIDROALCOLIC DESCOL-75 242 Nr. 2933BIO/02/12.24 Quimicas Quimxel S.L. - Spania Propan-2-ol, Didecyldimethylammonium chloride 69,6, 0,14 200-661-7, 230-525-2 67-63-0, 7173-51-5 TP2
DEZINFECTANT LICHID RM 735 243 Nr. 2744BIO/02/12.24 Alfred Karcher GmbH & Co.Kg - Germania Benzyl-C12-18 alkyldimethyl chloride, Didecyldimethylammonium chloride, C12-14-Alkylethylphenylmethyldimethyl, chloride 3,35, 3,35, 3,30 269-919-4, 230-525-2, 287-090-7 68391-01-5, 7173-51-5, 85409-23-0 TP2
DEZINFECTANT LIQUIDSENSE SANITIZER 244 Nr. 4117BIO/02-04/12.24 Ecolab Deutschland GmbH - Germania N-(3-Aminopropyl)-N-dodecylpropan-1,3-diamin, Clorură de alchil (C12-16) dimetilbenzil amoniu [ADBAC/BKC (C12-C16)] 4,0% , 7,5% 219-145-8, 270-325-2 2372-82-9, 68424-85-1 TP2
DEZINFECTANT UNIVERSAL BIOXEL 245 Nr. 3513BIO/02/12.24 Quimicas Quimxel S.L. - Spania Clorură de didecildimetilamoniu (DDAC) 2,6% 230-525-2 7173-51-5 TP2
DICLOR ACID IZOCIANURIC 55% 246 Nr. 2911BIO/02/12.24 Inquide S.A. - Spania Sodium dichloroisocyanurate dihydrate 100 220-767-7 51580-86-0 TP2
DIEMER SEPT 247 Nr. 900BIO/02-04/12.24 SC Diemer SRL - Romania Didecyldimethylammonium chloride 3,5 230-525-2 7173-51-5 TP2
DIESIN MAXX 248 Nr. 1126BIO/02/12.24 Ecolab GmbH & Co OHG - Germania L-(+)-lactic acid, Quaternary ammonium compounds, benzyl-C12-16-alkyldimethyl, chlorides 8g/l, 2,45g 201-196-2, 270-325-2 79-33-4, 68424-85-1 TP2
DIGIENE 249 Nr. 3191BIO/02/12.24 Lodi S.A. - Franta Quaternary ammonium compounds, benzyl-C12-18-alkyldimethyl, chlorides 5 269-919-4 68391-01-5 TP2
DISMOZON PUR 250 Nr. 449BIO/02/12.24 BODE Chemie GmbH & Co. KG - Germania Dihydrogen bis[monoperoxyphthalato(2-)-O1,OO1]magnesate(2-) hexahydrate 80 279-013-0 84665-66-7 TP2
DIVOSAN SANIBRIGHT VS59 (VS59 DIVERFOAM SANIBRIGHT, VS59 DIVOSAN SANIBRIGHT, DIVERFOAM SANIBRIGHT VS59) 251 Nr. 4822BIO/02/12.24 Diversey Europe Operations BV - Olanda N-(3-aminopropil)-N-dodecilpropan-1,3-diamină 21 g/Kg 219-145-8 2372-82-9 TP2
DIZETHOL READY TO USE 252 Nr. 1364BIO/02/12.24 SC Romexterra Grup SRL - Romania Didecyldimethylammonium chloride, N-(3-aminopropyl)-N-dodecylpropane-1,3- diamine, Monohydro chloride of polymer of N,N’”-1,6-hexanediylbis[N′-cyanoguanidine] (EINECS 240-032-4) and hexamethylenediamine (EINECS 240-679-6) /Polyhexamethylene biguanide (monomer: 1,5- bis (trimethylen)-guanylguanidinium monohydrochloride) 0,12, 0,033, 0,024 230-525-2, 219-145-8, Polymer 7173-51-5, 2372-82-9, 27083-27-8, 32289-58-0 TP2
DOCTOR WIPE’S ANTIBACTERIAL SURFACES 253 Nr. 4773BIO/02/12.24 EUROPACK MEDIA SRL - Romania D-gluconic acid, compound with N,N″-bis(4-chlorophenyl)-3,12-diimino-2,4,11,13-tetraazatetradecanediamidine (2:1), Ethanol, Propan-2-ol 0,5 %, 27 %, 3 % 242-354-0, 200-578-6, 200-661-7 18472-51-0, 64-17-5, 67-63-0 TP2
DOMESTOS PROFESSIONAL RED POWER 254 Nr. 4152BIO/02/12.21 Diversey Europe Operations BV - Olanda Hipoclorit de sodiu 4,5 % 231-668-3 7681-52-9 TP2
DOMESTOS CLEANING FOAM ARCTIC 255 Nr. 4633BIO/02/12.21 FARMOL S.p.A - Italia Hipoclorit de sodiu 0,3 mg/g 231-668-3 7681-52-9 TP2
DOMESTOS CLEANING FOAM OCEAN 256 Nr. 4634BIO/02/12.21 FARMOL S.p.A - Italia Hipoclorit de sodiu 0,3 mg/g 231-668-3 7681-52-9 TP2
DOMESTOS EXTENTED POWER ATLANTIC FRESH 257 Nr. 4504BIO/02/12.21 UNILEVER MAGYARORSZAG K.F.T. - Ungaria Hipoclorit de sodiu 4,5% 231-668-3 7681-52-9 TP2
DOMESTOS EXTENTED POWER CITRUS FRESH 258 Nr. 4505BIO/02/12.21 UNILEVER MAGYARORSZAG K.F.T. - Ungaria Hipoclorit de sodiu 4,5% 231-668-3 7681-52-9 TP2
DOMESTOS EXTENTED POWER ORIGINAL 259 Nr. 4506BIO/02/12.21 UNILEVER MAGYARORSZAG K.F.T. - Ungaria Hipoclorit de sodiu 4,5% 231-668-3 7681-52-9 TP2
DOMESTOS EXTENTED POWER PINE FRESH 260 Nr. 4507BIO/02/12.21 UNILEVER MAGYARORSZAG K.F.T. - Ungaria Hipoclorit de sodiu 4,5% 231-668-3 7681-52-9 TP2
DOMESTOS EXTENTED POWER PINK FRESH 261 Nr. 4508BIO/02/12.21 UNILEVER MAGYARORSZAG K.F.T. - Ungaria Hipoclorit de sodiu 4,5% 231-668-3 7681-52-9 TP2
DOMESTOS EXTENTED POWER WHITE&SHINE 262 Nr. 4509BIO/02/12.21 UNILEVER MAGYARORSZAG K.F.T. - Ungaria Hipoclorit de sodiu 4,5% 231-668-3 7681-52-9 TP2
DOMESTOS PROFESSIONAL CITRUS FRESH 263 Nr. 4312BIO/02/12.21 Diversey Europe Operations BV - Olanda Sodium hypochlorite 4,5% 231-668-3 7681-52-9 TP2
DOMESTOS PROFESSIONAL PINE FRESH 264 Nr. 4038BIO/02/12.21 Diversey Europe Operations BV - Olanda Sodium hypochlorite 45 g/kg 231-668-3 7681-52-9 TP2
DOMESTOS SERVETELE IGIENICE LEMON 265 Nr. 3481BIO/02/12.24 CIP4 S.R.L - Italia Clorură de didecildimetilamoniu (DDAC), Peroxid de hidrogen 0,75%, 0,5% 230-525-2 231-765-0 TP2
DOMESTOS SERVETELE IGIENICE OCEAN 266 Nr. 3482BIO/02/12.24 CIP4 S.R.L - Italia Clorură de didecildimetilamoniu (DDAC), Peroxid de hidrogen 0,75%, 0,5% 230-525-2, 231-765-0 7173-51-5, 7722-84-1 TP2
DOMESTOS SPRAY CURATA SI DEZINFECTEAZA (ALTE DENUMIRI COMERCIALE: DOMESTOS UNIVERSAL HYGIENE) 267 Nr. 615BIO/02/12.21 Unilever Italia Manufacturing S.R.L. - Italia Sodium hypochlorite 0,52 231-668-3 7681-52-9 TP2
DOMESTOS TOTAL HYGIENE WC GEL LAVENDER FRESH 268 Nr. 3920BIO/02/01.20 UNILEVER MAGYARORSZAG K.F.T. - Ungaria Peroxid de hidrogen 2% 231-765-0 7722-84-1 TP2
DOMESTOS TOTAL HYGIENE WC GEL LIME FRESH 269 Nr. 2985BIO/02/01.20 UNILEVER MAGYARORSZAG K.F.T. - Ungaria Hydrogen peroxide 0.02 g/g 231-765-0 7722-84-1 TP2
DOMESTOS TOTAL HYGIENE WC GEL OCEAN FRESH 270 Nr. 2986BIO/02/01.20 UNILEVER MAGYARORSZAG K.F.T. - Ungaria Hydrogen peroxide 0.02 g/g 231-765-0 7722-84-1 TP2
DOMINO 271 Nr. 3004BIO/02/12.24 Flexfill s.r.o. - Republica Ceha Didecyldimethylammonium chloride, Ethanol, Propan-2-ol 0,15% g/g, 46,0% g/g, 10,0% g/g 230-525-2, 200-578-6, 200-661-7 7173-51-5, 64-17-5, 67-63-0 TP2
DORA – ALCOOL SANITAR 70% VOL. 272 Nr. 4127BIO/01-02/12.24 S.C. ECOSERV S.R.L - Romania Ethanol 70 % v/v 200-578-6 64-17-5 TP2
DS-1 (CONCENTRAT) 273 Nr. 4151BIO/02/12.24 TENZI Sp.z.o.o - Polonia Alkyl(C12-16)dimethylbenzylammonium, Didecyldimethylammonium chloride, C12-14-Alkyldimethyl(ethylbenzyl) ammonium chloride, Propan -2-ol 1,6%, 1,6%, 1,6%, 50% 270-325-2, 230-525-2, 287-090-7, 200-661-7 68424-85-1, 7173-51-5, 85409-23-0, 67-63-0 TP2
DS-1 GT (GATA DE UTILIZAT) 274 Nr. 4150BIO/02/12.24 TENZI Sp.z.o.o - Polonia Alkyl(C12-16)dimethylbenzylammonium, Didecyldimethylammonium chloride, C12-14-Alkyldimethyl(ethylbenzyl) ammonium chloride, Propan -2-ol 0,16%, 0,16%, 0,16%, 5% 270-325-2, 230-525-2, 287-090-7, 200-661-7 68424-85-1, 7173-51-5, 85409-23-0, 67-63-0 TP2
DUALEXIS – ALCOOL SANITAR 70% VOL. (ALTE DENUMIRI COMERCIALE: AИA MED ALCOOL SANITAR 70%; BIBI ALCOOL SANITAR 70% VOL) 275 Nr. 4136BIO/01-02/12.24 S.C. DUAL PROD S.R.L - Romania Ethanol 70 %(v/v) 200-578-6 64-17-5 TP2
DUCK 3 IN 1 FRESH (ALTE DENUMIRI COMERCIALE: DUCK 5 IN 1 PINE) 276 Nr. 1911BIO/02/04.20 S.C. Johnson Europlant B.V. - Olanda L-(+)-lactic acid 2,02 201-196-2 79-33-4 TP2
DUCK 3 IN 1 MARINE (ALTE DENUMIRI COMERCIALE: DUCK 5 IN 1 MARINE) 277 Nr. 1912BIO/02/04.20 SC Johnson Europlant B.V - Olanda L-(+)-lactic acid 2,02 201-196-2 79-33-4 TP2
DUCK 5 IN 1 MINT 278 Nr. 3235BIO/02/04.20 SC Johnson Europlant B.V - Olanda L-(+)-lactic acid 2,02 201-196-2 79-33-4 TP2
DUCK DEEP ACTION GEL LAVANDER 279 Nr. 4313BIO/02/12.24 SC Johnson Europlant B.V - Olanda Alchil dimetil benzil clorura de amoniu, Di-N-alchil clorura de amoniu 0,1828%, 0,2742% 269-919-4, 270-331-5 68391-01-5, 68424-95-3 TP2
DUCK DEEP ACTION GEL MARINE 280 Nr. 4314BIO/02/12.24 SC Johnson Europlant B.V - Olanda Alchil dimetil benzil clorura de amoniu, Di-N-alchil clorura de amoniu 0,1828%, 0,2742% 269-919-4, 270-331-5 68391-01-5, 68424-95-3 TP2
DUCK DEEP ACTION GEL PINE 281 Nr. 4315BIO/02/12.24 S.C. Johnson Europlant B.V. - Olanda Alchil dimetil benzil clorura de amoniu, Di-N-alchil clorura de amoniu 0,1828%, 0,2742% 269-919-4, 270-331-5 68391-01-5, 68424-95-3 TP2
DUCK FOAMING BLEACH GEL MARINE 282 Nr. 4316BIO/02/12.21 Bama Polska Sp.z.o. - Polonia Sodium hypochlorite 3, 0001% 231-668-3 7681-52-9 TP2
DUCK FOAMING BLEACH GEL PINE 283 Nr. 4317BIO/02/12.21 Bama Polska Sp.z.o. - Polonia Sodium hypochlorite 3, 0001% 231-668-3 7681-52-9 TP2
DUCK TOILET SHIELD 284 Nr. 4318BIO/02/12.24 SC Johnson Europlant B.V - Olanda Alchil dimetil benzil clorura de amoniu, Di-N-alchil clorura de amoniu 0,1828%, 0,2742% 269-919-4, 270-331-5 68391-01-5, 68424-95-3 TP2
DURAZIV STANDARD ANTIBACTERIAN 285 Nr. 3222BIO/02/12.24 SC DURAZIV COLOR SRL - Romania 1,2-Benzisothiazol-3(2H)-one, Mixture of 5-chloro-2-methyl-2H-isothiazol-3-one (EINECS 247-500-7) and 2-methyl-2H-isothiazol-3-one (EINECS 220-239-6) 0,051, 0,0043 220-120-9, Mixture 2634-33-5, 55965-84-9 TP2
E-ACID 2+ (D-SOL; S-SANITY) 286 Nr. 3304BIO/02/12.24 HUNGAROCHEMICALS KFT - Ungaria Quaternary ammonium compounds, benzyl-C12-16-alkyldimethyl, chlorides 5 270-325-2 68424-85-1 TP2
E-ALKAL 45 287 Nr. 2157BIO/02/12.21 HUNGAROCHEMICALS KFT - Ungaria Sodium hypochlorite 3 231-668-3 7681-52-9 TP2
ECO-BAC FOAM PLUS 288 Nr. 1182BIO/02-04/12.21 Ecolab GmbH & Co OHG - Germania Sodium hypochlorite 4,3 231-668-3 7681-52-9 TP2
ECODES 289 Nr. 343BIO/02/12.21 Ecolab GmbH & Co OHG - Germania Peracetic acid format in situ din:, Percarbonat de sodium, Tetra-acetil-etilen-diamina 1,84 201-186-8, 239-707-6, 234-123-8 79-21-0, 15630-89-4, 10543-57-4 TP2
ECODES PLUS 290 Nr. 4632BIO/02/12.21 Ecolab Europe GHMB - Germania Acid peracetic generat in situ din:, percarbonat de sodium , tetraacetatetilendiamida 2,45 % (%m/m), 13,5 %, 3,7 % 201-186-8 79-21-0, 15630-89-4, 10543-57-4 TP2
EDELWEISS 291 Nr. 3430BIO/02/12.24 Sutter Industries S.p.A. - Italia Ethanol 2,5 200-578-6 64-17-5 TP2
EKOMAX - SOLUTIE DEZINFECTANTA 292 Nr. 4001BIO/02/12.24 S.C. KauffmannProduction GlobalSRL - Romania Clorura de benzalconiu 0,04 % 270-325-2 68424-85-1 TP2
ELTON SDIC 56 GRANULAR 293 Nr. 2917BIO/02/12.24 INQUIDE S.A.U. - Spania Sodium dichloroisocyanurate dihydrate 100 220-767-7 51580-86-0 TP2
ELTON SDIC 56 TABLETE 20G 294 Nr. 4425BIO/02/12.24 INQUIDE S.A.U. - Spania Dicloroizocianurat de sodiu dihidrat 90% (Clor activ 50%) 220-767-7 51580-86-0 TP2
ELTON TCCA 90 GRANULAR 295 Nr. 2918BIO/02/12.24 INQUIDE S.A.U. - Spania Symclosene 100 201-782-8 87-90-1 TP2
ELTON TCCA 90 PUDRA 296 Nr. 2919BIO/02/12.24 INQUIDE S.A.U. - Spania Symclosene 100 201-782-8 87-90-1 TP2
ELTON TCCA 90 TABLETS 200 GR 297 Nr. 2920BIO/02/12.24 INQUIDE S.A.U. - Spania Symclosene 95,5 201-782-8 87-90-1 TP2
ELTON TRIPLEX TABLETS 200 GR 298 Nr. 2921BIO/02/12.24 INQUIDE S.A.U. - Spania Symclosene 92 201-782-8 87-90-1 TP2
ELTRA 299 Nr. 341BIO/02/12.21 Ecolab GmbH & Co OHG - Germania Peracetic acid generat in situ din: , Percarbonat de sodium, Tetra-acetil-etilen-diamina 2,45g%, 13,5%, 3,7% 201-186-8 79-21-0 TP2
ELTRA 40 300 Nr. 1127BIO/02/12.24 Ecolab GmbH & Co OHG - Germania 6-(phthalimido)peroxyhexanoic acid 15 410-850-8 128275-31-0 TP2
ELTRA 40 EXTRA 301 Nr. 3486BIO/02/12.21 Ecolab Deustschland GMBH - Germania Peracetic acid generat in situ din:, Disodium carbonate, compound with hydrogen peroxide (2:3), (45%), N.N’-ehtylenebis[N-acetylacetamide], (25%) 14% g/g, (100g produs genereaza 14g acid peracetic ca s.a. in solutia de utilizare) 201-186-8 79-21-0, 15630-89-4, 10543-57-4 TP2
E-PHOS 302 Nr. 1637BIO/02/12.24 Evans Vanodine International PLC - Anglia Quaternary ammonium compounds, benzyl-C12-16-alkyldimethyl, chlorides 0,9000 270-325-2 68424-85-1 TP2
EUFOR - ETERA 303 Nr. 1203BIO/02-04/12.24 SC Etera Prod SRL - Romania Formaldehyde 0,9 200-001-8 50-00-0 TP2
EUROSEPT 304 Nr. 3059BIO/02/12.24 SC Eurototal Comp SRL - Romania Didecyldimethylammonium chloride, Quaternary ammonium compounds, benzyl-C12-18-alkyldimethyl, chlorides 0,25, 0,10 230-525-2, 269-919-4 7173-51-5, 68391-01-5 TP2
EUROSEPT RAPID 305 Nr. 2265BIO/02/12.24 SC Eurototal Comp SRL - Romania Didecyldimethylammonium chloride 40 230-525-2 7173-51-5 TP2
EUROTOP DETERGENT DEZINFECTANT 306 Nr. 3195BIO/02/12.24 SC Eurototal Comp SRL - Romania Peracetic acid generat in situ din:, Sodium perborate tetrahydrate, N,N′-ethylenebis [N-acetylacetamide] 2, 12, 4 201-186-8 79-21-0 TP2
EVOLIA TABLETE CONCENTRATE CU CLOR FRESH 307 Nr. 3433BIO/02/12.24 Eurotab Operations - Franta Sodium dichloroisocyanurate dihydrate 64,1 (elibereaza 35% clor activ) 220-767-7 51580-86-0 TP2
FABI SANITAR 309 Nr. 3136BIO/02/12.24 SC FABI TOTAL GRUP SRL - Romania Alkyldimethylbenzylammonium chloride 1,25 270-325-2 68424-85-1 TP2
FD 312 DEZINFECTIA SUPRAFETELOR 310 Nr. 4826BIO/02/12.24 Orochemie GmbH+Co.KG - Germania Alkyl (C12-18) dimethylbenzyl ammonium chloride (ADBAC (C12-18)) 6,5% 269-919-4 68391-01-5 TP2
FD 312 WET WIPES 311 Nr. 4774BIO/02/12.24 Orochemie GmbH+Co.KG - Germania Alkyl (C12-18) dimethylbenzyl ammonium chloride (ADBAC (C12-18)) 0,065% 269-919-4 68391-01-5 TP2
FENODIS 312 Nr. 520BIO/02/12.24 Allegrini S.p.A. - Italia Chlorocresol, Biphenyl-2-ol, Clorophene 4,5, 7, 1 200-431-6, 201-993-5, 204-385-8 59-50-7, 90-43-7, 120-32-1 TP2
FILTER CLEANER 313 Nr. 3336BIO/02/12.24 Solutii Piscina SRL - Romania Chlorine dioxide 20 233-162-8 10049-04-4 TP2
FIVE SUPER SANITIZZANTE 314 Nr. 2614BIO/02/09.20 Allegrini S.p.A. - Italia Hydrogen peroxide , Peracetic acid (generat in situ) 26, 5 231-765-0, 201-186-8 7722-84-1, 79-21-0 TP2
FRESH TREATMENT 315 Nr. 4116BIO/02/12.24 Bilim Endüstriyel Kimyasallar Sanayi Ve Ticaret Limited Şirketi okitelli Organize Sanayi Bölgesi - Turcia Quaternary ammonium compounds, benzyl-C12-16-alkyldimethyl, chlorides 0,95 g / 100 g 270-325-2 68424-85-1 TP2
FRIONETT ACTIV 316 Nr. 3097BIO/02/12.24 S.I.C.O. Societe Industrielle de Conditionnement Optimise S.A.R.L. - Franta Quaternary ammonium compounds, benzyl-C12-18-alkyldimethyl, chlorides 0,235 (g/v) 269-919-4 68391-01-5 TP2
FRIONETT ACTIV FOAM 317 Nr. 3098BIO/02/12.24 S.I.C.O. Societe Industrielle de Conditionnement Optimise S.A.R.L. - Franta Quaternary ammonium compounds, benzyl-C12-18-alkyldimethyl, chlorides 0,198 (g/v) 269-919-4 68391-01-5 TP2
FRIONETT ACTIV ONE-SHOT 318 Nr. 3032BIO/02/12.24 S.I.C.O. Societe Industrielle de Conditionnement Optimise S.A.R.L. - Franta Cloruri ale compusilor benzilalkil C12-18 dimetilici ai ionului de amoniu cuaternar, Clorura de didecildimetilamoniu, Glutaral, Propan-2-ol 0,7900 g/l, 0,2000 g/l, 1,4900 g/l, 359,1400 g/l 269-919-4, 230-525-2, 203-856-5, 200-661-7 68391-01-5, 7173-51-5, 111-30-8, 67-63-0 TP2
FRIONETT ACTIV RTU 319 Nr. 3096BIO/02/12.24 S.I.C.O. Societe Industrielle de Conditionnement Optimise S.A.R.L. - Franta Quaternary ammonium compounds, benzyl-C12-18-alkyldimethyl, chlorides 0,047 (g/v) 269-919-4 68391-01-5 TP2
G – MULTI TABS TABLETE 200G 320 Nr. 4539BIO/02/12.24 S.C. GEHO AQUA INDUSTRIES SRL - Romania Symclosene 93 201-782-8 87-90-1 TP2
G –CLOR O GRANULAT 65 321 Nr. 4541BIO/02/12.24 S.C. GEHO AQUA INDUSTRIES SRL - Romania Sodium dichloroisocyanurate dihydrate 99 220-767-7 51580-86-0 TP2
GEL CLORAT DEZINFECTANT DECLORNET 322 Nr. 2938BIO/02/12.21 Quimicas Quimxel S.L. - Spania Hipoclorit de sodiu 5 231-668-3 7681-52-9 TP2
GEL DEZINFECTANT KRYSTAL PIN 323 Nr. 3072BIO/02/12.21 Cormen S.R.O. - Republica Ceha Sodium hypoclorite 8,5  231-668-3 7681-52-9 TP2
GEL WC DEZINFECTANT CITRUS 4 IN 1 1L 324 Nr. 4455BIO/02/12.21 Quimica del Centro S.A.U. - Spania Hipoclorit de sodiu 3 % 231-668-3 7681-52-9 TP2
GEL WC DEZINFECTANT PIN 4 IN 1 1L 325 Nr. 4456BIO/02/12.21 Quimica del Centro S.A.U. - Spania Hipoclorit de sodiu 3 % 231-668-3 7681-52-9 TP2
GEMINI CLEANER 326 Nr. 4635BIO/02/12.21 Allegrini S.p.A. - Italia Sodium hypochlorite 3,5 % (w/w) 231-668-3 7681-52-9 TP2
GERMACERT PLUS (ALTE DENUMIRI COMERCIALE: EVERBRITE EXTRA) 327 Nr. 805BIO/02-04/12.24 Flexfill s.r.o. - Republica Ceha Didecyldimethylammonium chloride 4,5 230-525-2 7173-51-5 TP2
GERMOSTOP L 328 Nr. 4581BIO/02/12.24 S.C. Pasteur-Filiana Filipesti SRL - Romania D-gluconic acid,compound with N,N”- bis(4-chlorophenyl) – 3,12-diimino-2,4,11,13-tetraazateradecanediamidine (2:1) 20% 242–354-0 18472-51-0 TP2
GLUTACIDE (GLUTAQUATTM, KLINOQUATTM, INDUKLIN TM) 329 Nr. 4824BIO/02/12.24 Pro Integrator SRL - Romania Glutaraldehyde, Quaternary ammonium compounds, benzyl C12-16 alkyldimethyl, chlorides 10%, 15% 203-856-5, 270-325-2 111-30-8, 68424-85-1 TP2
GLUTASEPT 330 Nr. 2797BIO/02/12.24 SC STAR CHEMICALS SRL - Romania Glutaral, Didecyldimethylammonium chloride 10, 10 203-856-5, 230-525-2 111-30-8, 7173-51-5 TP2
G-O TABLETE DE CLOR 200G 331 Nr. 4540BIO/02/12.24 S.C. GEHO AQUA INDUSTRIES SRL - Romania Symclosene 95 201-782-8 87-90-1 TP2
GRAN ALKA DEZ 332 Nr. 1571BIO/02/12.24 TENZI Sp.z.o.o - Polonia Quaternary ammonium compounds, benzyl-C12-16-alkyldimethyl, chlorides, Glutaral 7, 0,1 270-325-2, 203-856-5 68424-85-1, 111-30-8 TP2
GRAN CLOR 2006 333 Nr. 1337BIO/02-04/12.21 TENZI Sp.z.o.o - Polonia Sodium hypochlorite 3,84 231-668-3 7681-52-9 TP2
GRAN DEZ 2008 334 Nr. 1299BIO/02-04/12.24 TENZI Sp.z.o.o - Polonia Didecyldimethylammonium chloride 10 230-525-2 7173-51-5 TP2
GRAN DISH DES 335 Nr. 4528BIO/02/12.21 Fink Tec GmbH - Germania Hipoclorit de sodiu 4,5 g/100g Clor activ [soluţie de 1%] cca. 350 mg/L 231-668-3 7681-52-9 TP2
GRAN QAT 336 Nr. 1338BIO/04/12.24 TENZI Sp.z.o.o - Polonia Ethanol , Quaternary ammonium compounds, benzyl-C12-16-alkyldimethyl, chlorides 50, 5 200-578-6, 270-325-2 64-17-5, 68424-85-1 TP2
GROTAN ® OX 337 Nr. 4766BIO/02/12.24 Schulke & Mayr GmbH - Germania produse de reactive ale paraformaldehidei si 2 hidroxipropilaminei(raport 3;2); [formaldehida eliberata din 3,3’metilenbis[5-metiloxazolodona]; formaldehida eliberata din oxazolidina[MBO] Numar index: 612-290-00-1 99,98% m/m - - TP2
GROTAN® WS 338 Nr. 3499BIO/02/12.24 Schulke & Mayr GmbH - Germania .alfa.,.alfa.′,.alfa.′′-trimetil-1,3,5-triazin- 1,3,5(2H,4H,6H)-trietanol (HPT) 80% 246-764-0 25254-50-6 TP2
GROTANOL® FF 1 N 339 Nr. 3679BIO/02/12.24 Schulke & Mayr GmbH - Germania 1,2-benzisothiazol-3(2H)-one, N-(3-aminopropyl)-N-dodecylpropane-1,3-diamine, Pyridine-2-thiol 1-oxide, sodium salt 1,5 %, 0,82 %, 0,24 % 220-120-9, 219-145-8, 223-296-5 2634-33-5, 2372-82-9, 3811-73-2 TP2
GUTTAR 340 Nr. 3236BIO/02/12.24 MPD plus spol SRO - Cehia Propan-2-ol, Quaternary ammonium compounds, benzyl-C12-16-alkyldimethyl, chlorides, D-gluconic acid, compound with N,N″-bis(4-chlorophenyl)-3,12-diimino-2,4,11,13-tetraaza tetradecanediamidine (2:1), Glutaral 50, 0,025, 0,075, 0,01 200-661-7, 270-325-2, 242-354-0, 203-856-5 67-63-0, 68424-85-1, 18472-51-0, 111-30-8 TP2
HALAMID R 341 Nr. 1483BIO/02-04/12.24 Axcentive Sarl - Franta Tosylchloramide sodium 100 204-854-7 127-65-1 TP2
HARPIC® ACTIVE FRESH CITRUS 342 Nr. 1725BIO/02/12.24 Reckitt Benckiser Production Sp. z o.o. - Polonia Quaternary ammonium compounds, benzyl-C12-16-alkyldimethyl, chlorides 80% 0,36 270-325-2 68424-85-1 TP2
HARPIC® ACTIVE FRESH MARINE 343 Nr. 1726BIO/02/12.24 Reckitt Benckiser Production Sp. z o.o. - Polonia Quaternary ammonium compounds, benzyl-C12-16-alkyldimethyl, chlorides 80% 0,36 270-325-2 68424-85-1 TP2
HARPIC® ACTIVE FRESH PINE 344 Nr. 1724BIO/02/12.24 Reckitt Benckiser Production Sp. z o.o. - Polonia Quaternary ammonium compounds, benzyl-C12-16-alkyldimethyl, chlorides 80% 0,36 270-325-2 68424-85-1 TP2
HEITMANN BALSAM DE RUFE CU ACȚIUNE DEZINFECTANTĂ, FRESH 345 Nr. 4510BIO/02/12.24 Brauns-Heitmann GmbH & Co. KG - Germania Didecyldimethylammonium chloride 2,49 % (g/100g) 230-525-2 7173-51-5 TP2
HEITMANN BALSAM DE RUFE CU ACȚIUNE DEZINFECTANTĂ, SENSITIVE 346 Nr. 4511BIO/02/12.24 Brauns-Heitmann GmbH & Co. KG - Germania Didecyldimethylammonium chloride 2,49 % (g/100g) 230-525-2 7173-51-5 TP2
HEITMANN SOLUȚIE DE DEZINFECTARE ȘI CURĂȚARE A BĂII 347 Nr. 4469BIO/02/12.24 Brauns-Heitmann GmbH & Co. KG - Germania Didecyldimethylammonium chloride 0,16 g/100g 230-525-2 7173-51-5 TP2
HEITMANN SPRAY DEZINFECTANT UNIVERSAL 348 Nr. 4470BIO/02/12.24 Brauns-Heitmann GmbH & Co. KG - Germania Propan-2-ol, Ethanol 19,0 % (g/100g), 40,0 % (g/100g) 200-661-7, 200-578-6 67-63-0, 64-17-5 TP2
HERA SOLUTIE ANTIMUCEGAI 349 Nr. 4775BIO/02/12.24 PPG TRILAK Kft - Ungaria Clorura de alchil-dimetil-benzil-amoniu 2,49% 270-325-2 68424-85-1 TP2
HEXAQUART XL 350 Nr. 4863BIO/02/12.24 B. BRAUN MEDICAL AG - Germania N-(3-aminopropil)-N-dodecilpropan-1,3-diamina (Diamina), Clorura de didecildimetilamoniu (DDAC) 9,9g / 100g (9,9 %), 6g / 100g (6 %) 219-145-8, 230-525-2 2372-82-9, 7173-51-5 TP2
HEXY SPRAY 351 Nr. 2768BIO/02/12.24 S.C. G&M 2000 S.R.L. - Romania D-gluconic acid, compound with N,N″-bis(4-chlorophenyl)-3,12-diimino-2,4,11,13-tetraazatetradecanediamidine (2:1), Ethanol, Propan-2-ol 0,5, 36, 24 242-354-0, 200-578-6, 200-661-7 18472-51-0, 64-17-5, 67-63-0 TP2
HIPOCLORIT DE SODIU 352 Nr. 1925BIO/02-05/12.21 S.C. Chimcomplex SA Borzesti - Romania Sodium hypochlorite 13,1 231-668-3 7681-52-9 TP2
HIPOCLORIT DE SODIU SOLUTIE 12,5% CLOR ACTIV 353 Nr. 1194BIO/02/12.21 SC Chimcomplex SA Borzesti - Romania Sodium hypochlorite solutie 12,5% 13,1 231-668-3 7681-52-9 TP2
HMI TABIDEZ 56 354 Nr. 2838BIO/02/12.24 Hygiene Medical Industry Co. Ltd - Bulgaria Sodium dichloroisocyanurate dihydrate 56 (1 2,8g elibereaza 1,5g clor activ) 220-767-7 2893-78-9 TP2
HUWA-SAN AGRO 355 Nr. 3782BIO/02/07.20 Roam Technology NV - Belgia Peroxid de hidrogen 35% 231-765-0 7722-84-1 TP2
HUWA-SAN BATHROOM 356 Nr. 3778BIO/02/07.20 Roam Technology NV - Belgia Peroxid de hidrogen 3,0% 231-765-0 7722-84-1 TP2
HUWA-SAN KITCHEN 357 Nr. 3780BIO/02/07.20 Roam Technology NV - Belgia Peroxid de hidrogen 3,0% 231-765-0 7722-84-1 TP2
HUWA-SAN MULTIPURPOSE (ALTE DENUMIRI COMERCIALE: HUWA-SAN MULTIPURPOSE FITNESS) 358 Nr. 3911BIO/02/07.20 Roam Technology NV - Belgia Peroxid de hidrogen 3% 231-765-0 7722-84-1 TP2
HUWA-SAN POOL HS5 359 Nr. 3908BIO/02/07.20 Roam Technology NV - Belgia Peroxid de hidrogen 4,9% 231-765-0 7722-84-1 TP2
HUWA-SAN TOILET 360 Nr. 3779BIO/02/07.20 Roam Technology NV - Belgia Peroxid de hidrogen 3,0% 231-765-0 7722-84-1 TP2
HUWA-SAN TR - 5 361 Nr. 3781BIO/02/07.20 Roam Technology NV - Belgia Peroxid de hidrogen 4,9% 231-765-0 7722-84-1 TP2
HUWA-SAN TR-50 362 Nr. 3650BIO/02/07.20 Roam Technology NV - Belgia Peroxid de hidrogen 49,6% 231-765-0 7722-84-1 TP2
HUWA-SAN WELLNESS 363 Nr. 3909BIO/02/07.20 Roam Technology NV - Belgia Peroxid de hidrogen 3% 231-765-0 7722-84-1 TP2
HYGEIA 530 364 Nr. 259BIO/02-04/12.24 Bilim Endüstriyel Kimyasallar Sanayi Ve Ticaret Limited Şirketi okitelli Organize Sanayi Bölgesi - Turcia Glutaral, Didecyldimethylammonium chloride, Glyoxal 6, 7,5, 4 203-856-5, 230-525-2, 203-474-9 111-30-8, 7173-51-5, 107-22-2 TP2
HYGIASEPTYL SPRAY 365 Nr. 3254BIO/02/12.24 Hygiene et Nature - Franta Didecyldimethylammoniumchloride, Quaternary ammonium compounds, benzyl-C12-16-alkyldimethyl, chlorides 2,10, 1,75 230-525-2, 270-325-2 7173-51-5, 68424-85-1 TP2
HYGIEN SPRAY 366 Nr. 361BIO/02/12.24 Esoform S.p.A. - Italia Biphenyl-2-ol, Quaternary ammonium compounds, benzyl-C12-14-alkyldimethyl, chlorides 0,050, 0,080 201-993-5, 287-089-1 90-43-7, 85409-22-9 TP2
HYGIENIC 3000 367 Nr. 3360BIO/02/12.24 Hagleitner Hygiene International GmbH - Austria Quaternary ammonium compounds, benzyl-C12-18-alkyldimethyl, chlorides, Quaternary ammonium compounds, C12-1 alkyl[(ethylphenyl)methyl]dimethyl, chlorides, Didecyldimethylammoniumchloride 3,2, 3,2, 3,2 269-919-4, 287-090-7, 230-525-2 68391-01-5, 85409-23-0, 7173-51-5 TP2
HYGIENIC VIRUZID 368 Nr. 3519BIO/02/12.24 Hagleitner Hygiene International GmbH - Austria Glioxal, Clorură de didecildimetilamoniu (DDAC), Formaldehidă, Glutaral (Glutaraldehidă) 9,6%, 8, 3,5%, 2,5% 203-474-9, 230-525-2, 200-001-8, 203-856-5 107-22-2, 7173-51-5, 50-00-0, 111-30-8 TP2
HYGIENICDES 2GO 369 Nr. 4429BIO/02/12.24 Hagleitner Hygiene International GmbH - Austria Clorură de alchil (C12-16) dimetilbenzil amoniu [ADBAC/BKC (C12-C16)], Clorură de didecildimetilamoniu (DDAC) 32,515 g, 16,376 g 270-325-2, 230-525-2 68424-85-1, 7173-51-5 TP2
HYGIENIUM DEZINFECTANT UNIVERSAL MULTISUPRAFETE FARA CLOR (ALTE DENUMIRI COMERCIALE: HYGIENEX DEZINFECTANT UNIVERSAL MULTISUPRAFETE FARA CLOR; FINE DEZINFECTANT UNIVERSAL MULTISUPRAFETE) 370 Nr. 2725BIO/02/12.24 Grande Gloria Production SRL - Romania Quaternary ammonium compounds, benzyl-C12-18-alkyldimethyl, chlorides, Quaternary ammonium compounds, C12-14-alkyl[(ethylphenyl)methyl]dimethyl, chlorides 1,2, 1,2 269-919-4, 287-090-7 68391-01-5, 85409-23-0 TP2
HYGIENIUM ȘERVEȚELE UMEDE DEZINFECTANTE MULTISUPRAFEȚE 371 Nr. 4864BIO/02/12.24 Grande Gloria Production S.A. - Romania D-gluconic acid, compound with N,N″-bis(4-chlorophenyl)-3,12-diimino-2,4,11,13-tetraazatetradecanediamidine (2:1), Quaternary ammonium compounds, benzyl-C12-16-alkyldimethyl, chlorides 0,2 %, 0,5 % 242-354-0, 270-325-2 18472-51-0, 68424-85-1 TP2
IGIENOL DEZINFECTANT SUPRAFETE MICI MĂR 372 Nr. 4026BIO/02/12.24 S.C. Interstar Chim S.A. - Romania Alkyl dimethyl benzyl ammonium chloride (25- 50%), Alkyl dimethyl ethyl ammonium chloride (25 - 50%) 0,6%, 0,6% 269-919-4, 287-090-7 68391-01-5, 85409-23-0 TP2
IGIENOL DEZINFECTANT SUPRAFETE MICI MARIN (ALTE DENUMIRI COMERCIALE: RIVEX UNIVERSAL ANTIBACTERIAN) 373 Nr. 3985BIO/02/12.24 S.C. Interstar Chim S.A. - Romania Compusi de amoniu cuaternar, benzil-C12-18-alchildimetil,cloruri, Compusi de amoniu cuaternar, C12-14-alchil[(etilfenil)metil]dimetil,cloruri 0,6%, 0,6% 269-919-4, 287-090-7 68391-01-5, 85409-23-0 TP2
IGIENOL DEZINFECTANT SUPRAFEȚE MICI EUCALIPT 374 Nr. 4845BIO/02/12.24 S.C. Interstar Chim S.A. - Romania Alkyl (C12-18) dimethylbenzyl ammonium chloride (compusi de amoniu cuaternar,benzyl-C12-18-alchildimetil,cloruri), Alkyl (C12-14) ethylbenzyl ammonium chloride (compusi de amoniu cuaternar,benzyl-C12-14-alchil (etilfenil)metil,dimetil, cloruri) 0,6 %, 0,6 % 269-919-4, 287-090-7 68391-01-5, 85409-23-0 TP2
IGIENOL BAIE ANTIBACTERIAN 375 Nr. 4421BIO/02/12.24 S.C. Interstar Chim S.A. - Romania Quaternary ammonium compounds, benzyl-C12-18-alkyldimethyl, chlorides, Quaternary ammonium compounds, C12-14-alkyl[(ethylphenyl)methyl]dimethyl, chlorides 0,48 %, 0,48 % 269-919-4, 287-090-7 68391-01-5, 85409-23-0 TP2
IGIENOL BUCATARIE ANTIBACTERIAN 376 Nr. 4531BIO/02/12.24 S.C. Interstar Chim S.A. - Romania Alkyl (C12-18) dimethylbenzyl ammonium chloride (compusi de amoniu cuaternar,benzyl-C12-18-alchildimetil,cloruri), Alkyl (C12-14) ethylbenzyl ammonium chloride (compusi de amoniu cuaternar,benzyl-C12-14-alchil (etilfenil)metil,dimetil, cloruri) 0,48, 0,48 269-919-4, 287-090-7 68391-01-5, 85409-23-0 TP2